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  • WWE NXT Live Results (August 13th, 2024) - MASSIVE triple threat set for next week as New Champions are crowned in main event!

WWE NXT Live Results (August 13th, 2024) - MASSIVE triple threat set for next week as New Champions are crowned in main event!

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedAug 14, 2024 02:17 GMT

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02:17 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

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02:17 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Announced for next week's show:
Joe Hendry vs. Wes Lee vs. Pete Dunne - Winner will face Ethan Page at No Mercy
Tank Ledger and Hank Walker vs. The OC
Six-woman Gauntlet Match with Winner facing Roxanne Perez at No Mercy

02:15 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

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02:13 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

CHARLIE DEMPSEY defeats Tony D'Angelo 2 Rounds to 1 Round to become new Heritage Cup Champion.
LEXIS KING defeats Eddy Thorpe by pin.
LOLA VICE defeats Tatum Paxley by pin.
OBA FEMI defeats Otis by pin.
IZZI DAME defeats Brinley Reece by pin.
CHASE UNIVERSITY (RIDGE HOLLAND AND ANDRE CHASE) defeats Axiom and Nathan Frazer to become new NXT Tag Team Champions.

02:08 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Chase University (the team) and Chase University (the students) celebrate in the ring to close out the show. I'm truly surprised that Duke Hudson, the true MVP of Chase U, has not turned heel.

02:06 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Despite the loss, I think we need to put Frazer and Axiom in the conversation as one of the best tag teams in wrestling if they're not already there.

02:05 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Chase catches a kick attempt from Axiom. He lands some chops but Ridge and Chase hit a Backstabber/Powerbomb combo on Frazer for a near fall. Frazer hits Ridge with an Enzuguiri. Axiom tags in and the Champs go for the Spanish Fly/Phoenix Splash combo. Axiom does his part but Mr. Chase pushes Frazer off the buckle. Axiom kicks Chase off the apron. Ridge then hits the Snow Plow on Axiom to pick up the huge win!
Result - Chase University (Andre Chase and Ridge Holland) defeats Axiom and Nathan Frazer by pin.

02:02 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Ridge fights back by hoisting Axiom on his shoulders. Chase tags in and hits a stomp as Ridge lands a powerslam for a near fall. Frazer lands a Suicide Dive to the outside on Ridge while Chase and Axiom battle in the ring. Ridge returns to the ring but the Champs neutralize him. Frazer rushes back to the top buckle to hit Chase with a Superplex. Axiom gets a two-count off the pin.

02:00 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Frazer goes for a springboard move but Chase catches him. Frazer tries to counter into an armdrag but both men fall over. Chase tags in Ridge and he overpowers the smaller Champs. He tosses Frazer before hitting a reverse DDT-type move for a near fall. Axiom recovers quickly to land a Frog Splash. Frazer follows suit with a 450 Splash for another near fall.

01:56 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Frazer kicks Chase, sending him into a tag from Holland. The Champs send Ridge over the top rope to the outside. Axiom takes a bullet for Frazer, hitting Chase with a suplex. The Champs hit Suicide Dives on Ridge and Mr. Chase on opposite sides of the ring.

01:55 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Booker T says he trusts Ridge Holland to bite him like a snake. Heel turn incoming???

01:52 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

It's main event time as Chase University (Ridge Holland and Andre Chase) challenge Nathan Frazer and Axiom for the NXT Tag Team titles.

01:51 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Ashante Adonis is creeping on the two ladies who helped him last week. They say they're disappointed they didn't get into the gauntlet, but Ashante says they should focus on him instead of a title shot. They aren't interested, so he walks over to Dion Lennox on a couch. A few other ladies have come over to him to say they like the book he's reading. Adonis thinks he's playing a game to get the ladies, but he says he's just being himself.

01:43 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Kelly Kincaid interviews Ava backstage. She mentions the 6 Woman Gauntlet match next week with the winner getting a shot at Roxanne Perez at No Mercy. She also announces a triple threat between Joe Hendry, Wes Lee, and Pete Dunne next week with the winner facing Ethan Page at Nor Mercy. Roxy comes in to say it doesn't matter who wins next week because they'll be waiting a long, long time to become the NXT Women's Champion.

01:41 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Reece hoists Izzi up for a throw. She goes for a flipping Lariat but Dame hits her with a big boot. She adds a Uranage for the win.
Result - Izzi Dame defeats Brinley Reece by pin.

01:40 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Dame catches Reece with a LowDown for two. Vic Joseph says Dame is also mad because Reece blew everyone away in a recent strength and conditioning test. Unless it's the combine, no one knows what you're talking about, Vic. Brinley hits a Thesz Press.

01:38 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Brinley Reece and Izzi Dame trade moves early on. Brinley hits the first big move with a handstand clothesline. Dame kicks out at one. Dame recovers with a shoulder block and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Booker T thinks Izzi should have been given a bye into next week's gauntlet match. Ok, Booker.

01:32 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

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01:30 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Brooks Jensen cuts a pre-taped promo about how some people gave him empty words, but someone else helped him out at every step as a mentor. The camera pans back to see it was about a promo for Shawn Spears. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade are watching it in the locker room. Malik and Edris are disappointed that he's being manipulated because they came up together. Tank and Hank then say some words before mentioning they have a date with the OC next week after they 'crashed' the BBQ at last week's Bash.

01:27 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Femi kicks out but Otis hits a Vader Bomb for another near fall. Otis traps Femi in the corner and climbs up for some strikes, but Femi hoists him up and hits a powerbomb to pick up the win.
Result - Oba Femi defeats Otis by pin.

01:26 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Maxxine and Akira check on Otis but Femi pursues. He slaps Akira's chest but it only fires Otis up. He hits a Lariat on the outside before landing a spinning back elbow in the ring. Otis drops the Champ with a clothesline in the middle of the ring. He follows up with a bodyslam and the Caterpillar for a near fall.

01:25 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Femi sends the Beef Master back into the ring. He lands a series of elbow drops for a two-count. Booker T drops his second Bingo card saying: any means necessary. Femi rushes Otis in the corner and gets another near fall. The Champ goes for a powerbomb but Otis hits a back body drop. Otis then lands a few punches. Femi sends Otis to the outside with a knee to the back.

01:23 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Femi is in charge off the commercial breaks but Otis reverses it into a sidewalk slam for a near fall. Oba leaves the ring and Otis follows. Femi chops Otis's chest loudly before sending him into the steel steps with a running European Uppercut.

01:21 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

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01:21 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

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01:18 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

The two have a power standoff early on. Oba tries to take Otis down but Otis blocks it. They trade shoulder blocks until Otis knocks Femi out of the ring.

01:15 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Up next is Oba Femi defending the North American Championship against Otis. He's flanked by Maxxine Dupri, who must be fine after getting choked out by her former friend last night, and Akira Tozawa.

01:13 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Chase University is hyping themselves up for the title match tonight. Duke and Riley apologize because they were taken off guard last week. They claim it doesn't matter who represents the U as long as they hold the gold. Ridge thanks Chase U for believing in him and giving him a chance.

01:08 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

The Don is walking backstage with the Family. He says The Mini Don got one over on him tonight but Oba Femi cuts him off like he did last week.

01:07 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Dunne has set his sights on the NXT title, which brings out Joe Hendry to return the blindside attack on Lee. All three brawl until security tries to pull them apart. Kelly Kincaid interviews Axiom and Nathan Frazer ahead of their defense against Chase U. They claim to be on the same page and fully focused on defending the tag titles tonight.

01:06 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

He says he knows that Wentz wants to come back for him, and he can at No Mercy. Once he takes care of Wentz, Wentz and Trey can go back to TNA. Lee then sets his sights on the NXT title before wishing them well in all of their future endeavors. Pete Dunne comes out to say that "he's impressed by Lee's actions because someone around here finally figured it out."

01:04 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

He says he's done being a caretaker and wondering about what Wentz will say or do next. Lee was the one holding things together in MSK and was tired of taking care of Wentz. "Wentz and Trey Miguel only came back for the WWE rub."

01:02 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Lee says he shocked the world and himself last week. He says Zach Wentz let him down again, but started two years ago when he let him down. MSK was dead and everyone felt bad for Zach and sorry for him. He said he won the North American Championship while they weren't here and broke his back to become a top star in NXT.

00:59 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Up next is Wes Lee explaining his betrayal of his friends last week.

00:58 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Whatcha gonna do when Wendy Choo comes for you????

00:56 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Brinley Reece congratulates Petrovic but Izzi Dame runs over to say she should be in it. Reece says "I'm not in it and you don't hear me bi**hing about it." Dame walks off after getting dunked on by Brinley Reece.

00:55 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Wendy Choo then holds up Kelani's title as Vice and Paxley help each other up. Backstage, Jaida Parker gets picked. Shocker. Kendal Grey is next and the last spot goes to Karmen Petrovic. Izzi Dame is mad and storms off.

00:54 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Paxley hits a crossbody to Vice's back in the corner. Lola hits a powerslam as Paxley runs off the ropes. She adds her "I'm a Latina" butt strike in the corner before getting a two-count. Tatum hits an Enzuigiri, followed by a single-leg crab. The camera then cuts to WEndy Choo choking out Jordan by the desk. Paxley looks on. She hits her finisher before going to the top for a move. Vice moves and hits the spinning back fist for the win.
Result - Lola Vice defeats Tatum Paxley by pin.

00:51 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Up next is Lola Vice (gets an entrance) taking on Tatum Paxley (gets about half an entrance). The rest is cut off to show Kelani Jordan joining commentary. 

00:47 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson are arguing about stuff while getting done up backstage. Fallon says 'we aren't all D1 athletes' but Lash stops her and says 'what about Jazmyn' since she was a soccer player and not an independent wrestler. Jacy cuts in to say that everyone in the locker room should follow Nyx's lead.

00:46 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Tricks Williams cuts a promo about how he fixes the problems that arise in his path. He references how he overcame Carmelo Hayes and Ilja Dragunov. He then equates a story from college about getting rocks thrown at his car while inside to Dunne's story of getting jumped on the streets when he was 18. Kelly Kincaid asks Pete Dunne if he deserves a rematch and he says no. 

00:44 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

King trips Thorpe, sending him neck-first into the middle rope. He goes for the Coronation but Thorpe hits a headbutt. He adds a German Suplex and a jumping elbow drop. Thorpe goes for a DDT but King counters to hit a strike on Eddy's hand. He follows up with the Coronation for the win.
Result - Lexis King defeats Eddy Thorpe by pin.

00:42 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

King targets Thorpe's injured hand. Booker T mentions Sweet Child O Mine. What a saint.

00:41 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Up next is EDM vs. Rock and Metal. Eddy Thorpe comes out first for the match but Lexis King attacks him from behind. He then sends him into the ring and the match is official. Thorpe has a brace on his right hand after it was slammed in between the steel steps last week. Booker T agrees with Lexis King that Rock and Roll is better than EDM. And he's right.

00:39 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

It looks like letting Wren Sinclair join the No Quarter Catch Crew was the right call since it made Charlie Dempsey a two-time Heritage Cup winner.

00:38 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

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00:38 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

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00:37 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Eddy Thorpe and Lexis King's battle over which music is better continues. Thorpe says King is a moron because he doesn't understand that music and dancing is a part of his culture. King says the right music matters. He's not wrong. 

00:36 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

Kelani Jordan and Lola Vice are talking together about Tatum Paxley, who is losing it backstage after Wendy Choo turned on her. Lola walks over and tries to reason with Paxley but she isn't hearing it. Paxley says we can't all be popular MMA fighters who have had everything handed to them. Vice takes exception but Paxley walks away. Match incoming.

00:34 (GMT)14 AUG 2024

The fighters exchange a few slaps early on. D'Angelo hits a Spinebuster for a near fall. Dempsey lands a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge for two. D'Angelo tries to hit a back body drop but Dempsey holds on for an armbar and then Triangle. D'Angelo breaks it with a slam. Dempsey goes to the top buckle and Myles Borne gets on the apron to distract The Don. Stacks comes in and gets tossed onto Borne on the outside. The ref is focused on the outside, giving Wren Sinclair a chance to trip D'Angelo off the top. Dempsey takes advantage by hitting a Butterfly Suplex for the win.
Result - Charlie Dempsey defeats Tony D'Angelo 2 Rounds to 1 Round to become new Heritage Cup Champion.
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