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  • WWE NXT Live Results (July 16, 2024): Bitter Superstar challenges friend to a No DQ match

WWE NXT Live Results (July 16, 2024): Bitter Superstar challenges friend to a No DQ match

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedJul 17, 2024 02:15 GMT

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02:15 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Duke Hudson pushed Oba Femi to the limit!

02:11 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

THE RASCALZ defeat Gallus by pin.
JE'VON EVANS defeats Brooks Jensen by pin.
ETHAN PAGE defeats Dante Chen by pin.
TATUM PAXLEY defeats Izzi Dame by pin.
LOLA VICE defeats Jacy Jayne by pin.
THE O.C. defeats OTM (Jaida Parker, Bronco Nima, and Lucien Price) by pin.
OBA FEMI defeats Duke Hudson by pin.

02:08 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Oba celebrates in the middle of the ring after his big win. We then go to the parking lot, as Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs are leaving and arguing. 

Briggs is trying to reason with Jensen, but he's not getting it. Brooks wants the match to be a No DQ contest. Jensen then gets in the passenger side of a mystery person's SUV. It's probably Shawn Spears.

02:06 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Damn good match.

02:06 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Hudson hits a sliding German Suplex for a near fall. He puts the Champ on the top buckle. Femi headbutts him off the top, but Duke hits the ode to Trish Stratus again. Duke tries to powerbomb Oba but Oba blocks it. Duke rolls Oba up for a two-count.

Femi hits a chokeslam for two. Femi puts Duke on the top again, but Duke hits a Sunset Flip powerbomb for another close call. Oba and Duke roll out in front of the announce table, and Oba tosses Duke atop the table. He puts him back into the ring before hitting the pop-up powerbomb to retain.

Result - Oba Femi defeats Duke Hudson by pin.

02:02 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Femi has Duke trapped in a rest hold. Duke tries to bust out but Femi drops him and kicks him in the gut. Oba hits Duke with two backbreakers for a near fall. The Champ tries to suplex Duke once again, but Duke counters into a pin attempt. Duke hits Oba with a big boot to level the field. The two trade strikes before Duke hits a Lariat and the Chase U elbow. Duke hits a Pescado on the outside on Femi. 

01:56 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Femi dumps Duke early on. Duke takes off his headband and shirt before hitting a Hurricanrana on Femi. He drops the Champ with a shoulder block and DDT. Duke then sends Oba to the outside with a clothesline.

01:54 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

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01:52 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Oh, yay. They're going on with this Eddy Thrope DJ angle. Thorpe was DJing in some club, and Lexis King walked up to do the Lord's work and stop the music. He was just trying to play some good tunes. They'll face off next week, as well as Oro Mensah and Ashante Adonis.

01:49 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

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01:48 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

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01:45 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Backstage, No Quarter Catch Crew is contemplating what to do with Wren Sinclair since she saw what they did last week. She wants to join the NQCC but Dempsey isn't having it. She plays with Myles Borne until Dempsey slaps Borne's chest to end it. She says she's going to mess with them until they let her into the group. Pretty good segment.

01:44 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Michin and Parker are in for their teams. Michin lands several kicks. Parker hits a German Suplex to level the playing field. Nima and Machine Gun tag in for their teams. Anderson hits a neckbreaker off the top. He tags Gallows in, and they hit a tandem move, but Price breaks up the pin. Anderson hits him with a Spinebuster, but Jaida rushes in and hits him with her booty. Michin hits Nima before hitting Parker with a Suicide Dive on the outside. Anderson and Gallows hit a Magic Killer on Nima for the win.
Result - The O.C. defeats OTM (Bronco Nima, Lucien Price, and Jaida Parker) by pin.

01:40 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Up next is The O.C. taking on OTM. Mia and Jaida start after everyone battled to start the match. Jaida hits her sit-down move and a Spinebuster for a two count. Michin hits a German Suplex before Gallows tags in. Lucien Price comes in for his side. 

The two exchange blows. Gallows kicks Price, but he doesn't go down. Price hits Gallows with a Uranage. He pretends he's an alligator before landing a Lariat in the corner—Bronco Nima tags in for OTM.

01:37 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Ethan Page is trying to leave after his win over Dante Chen. The interviewer wants his thoughts on Oro pinning him, but Page says it doesn't matter because it didn't count. He also says it didn't bother him but it clearly did.

01:33 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

The creepy doll

01:32 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Paxley then puts down the doll that was supposed to represent Izzi Dame and picks up one resembling Kelani Jordan.

01:31 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

The ref holds Lola's hand up, but Fallon Henley blindsides her. Nyx and Jayne join in the assault until Karmen Petrovic and Sol Ruca make the save for Lola. Backstage, 

atum is admiring her doll. Kelani walks over and tries to sound like a real person but doesn't. Tatum asks her if she wants to play but Kelani walks off after saying they're too old to play with dolls. 

01:29 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Jacy hits a pump kick but Lola recovers quickly to hit the spinning backfist for the win.
Result - Lola Vice defeats Jacy Jayne by pin.

01:29 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Jacy drops Lola with a shoulder block and then mocks Lola with her dance. Jacy ducks a kick attempt and lands one of her own. She then stomps on Lola's hand. Jacy works over Lola's taped hand as if she's Pete Dunne. Vice stands up and lands a few kicks to Jacy's chest. Vice highlights the action with an Axe Kick and a hip attack in the corner for two.

01:26 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Backstage, Asante Adonis and Cedric Alexander are excited about their new opportunities in NXT. Adonis is distracted by all of the young ladies walking by. He steps up to flirt with Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend. 

Legend immediately shuts him down, but he says he was talking to Jakara. She seems interested, but Oro and Lash aren't having it.

01:25 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

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01:20 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Choo holds out the Barbie doll from last week, and Tatum puts the head back on it. Choo cracks a little smile.  

Chase University hypes Duke Hudson up for his match with Oba Femi. Up next is Lola Vice taking on Jacy Jayne.

01:19 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Izzi calls Paxley a freak before stretching her around the ring post. Dame hits a side suplex for two. She hoists Paxley on her shoulders. As she does, Wendy Choo wanders out to the ringside area. Paxley hits a flurry of offense for a near fall.
Paxley lines up for a finisher, but Dame kicks her down. Tatum moves out of the way as Dame hits the ring post. She hits Dame with a reverse spinning slam for the win.
Result - Tatum Paxley defeats Izzi Dame by pin.

01:15 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Dame does her weird pose but Paxley has come into the ring under her. Paxley goes for a Hurricanrana but Dame catches her. Paxley hits a dropkick and a crossbody to Dame's midsection for a near fall. She goes for another running crossbody but Dame catches her and bodyslams her. 

01:13 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Backstage, Gallus is whining about their loss to the Rascalz. Joe Coffey is mad at Joe Hendry. He says his name, and he appears. Hendry says he gets that Gallus is angry because they've been there for years, but no one cares. Hendry shows up and is the most talked about thing. Up next is Izzi Dame taking on Tatum Paxley.

01:10 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Trick Williams is that person who has a loud conversation on their phone like no one else is in the room.

01:08 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

The Don and The Demp

01:06 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Page celebrates in the ring and is blindsided by Oro Mensah. Again. Page fights him off before dropping him to the mat. He walks off but Mensah attacks him again. They return to the ring with Mensah hitting a spinning kick before miming a three count.

01:05 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Chen hits a step-up Enzuigiri. He almost gets another roll-up. Page goes for a suplex, but Chen counters into a pin attempt. Chen lines up for a double chop and gets a two-count.

Chen goes for a move but slips on the ropes. Page takes advantage, hitting the Ego's Edge for the win.

Result - Ethan Page defeats Dante Chen by pin.

01:02 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Page pushes Chen to the corner and mocks him but is almost rolled up for a shock loss. Chen lands a series of strikes for a near fall. Page quickly recovers and tosses him out of the ring. He hits a shoulder block off the apron. Page hits a bodyslam for two.

00:57 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Backstage, Trick Williams is having a loud conversation with Ilja Dragunov on the phone. There are other people in the room as Trick yells into the phone. Pete Dunne looks on menacingly from a nearby couch.

00:52 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

After the match, Jensen attacks Evans. Briggs pulls him off and yells at Brooks because he stuck his neck out for him. Backstage, the D'Angelo Family is playing cards. Charlie Dempsey wants to talk with The Don. He tells Tony D that they took care of their problem. 

Tony D says Myles Borne hasn't shut up, but he's only joking. Dempsey is still coming for the Heritage Cup but wants advice. He says a 'witness' saw them care for Damon Kemp. He is referring to Wren Sinclair, of course.

00:49 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Jensen climbs to the top but gets dropped by Evans with a step-up Hurricanrana. Je'Von hits a springboard splash for a near fall. Jensen catches Evans off a jump and hits a Styles Clash variant.

After Evans kicks out, Shawn Spears comes down to the ring. Josh Briggs walks over to confront him, but Jensen cuts him off and tells him not to worry about Spears. Evans takes advantage with a splash over the ropes and a springboard cutter for the win.

Result - Je'Von Evans defeats Brooks Jensen by pin.

00:46 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Jensen hits Evans in the gut with a big knee. He locks in a chinlock to ground the bouncy boy.

00:44 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Roxy is not having it.

00:42 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Evans hits a Superkick on the outside to ground Brooks. He adds an innovative springboard moonsault before sending Brooks back into the ring. He hits a strange flipping kick for a near fall. Jensen gets control. He slams Evans on top of the announce table and says "that boy's bouncy" before jumping onto Evans while still on the table.

00:40 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Jensen is actually dressed like a grown man and not a confused love puppy. Evans hits a Hurricanrana and a dropkick to send Jensen out of the ring. 

00:40 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Kelly Kincaid interviews Lola Vice backstage. She says that despite losing, she belongs in the main event. Vice says she'll be ready next time. Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jazmyn Nyx walk over to her to mock her and tell her to go to the back of the line. 

It looks like they're committing to the Vice full face turn. Vice points out that Nyx is also a rookie but she gets a pass because she's with them.

00:36 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Two weeks to go...

00:36 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

To recap, Thea Hail will challenge Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women's Championship at the Great American Bash in two weeks.

00:35 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Rascalz are back

00:34 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

His name was said and he appeared - for commentary.

00:34 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Up next is Je'Von Evans taking on Brooks "Don't Call Me Hillbilly Justin Timberlake" Jensen.

00:33 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Kelly Kincaid interviews Kelani Jordan backstage. She says she's gonna keep upping her game until Dark Wendy Choo walks over and creeps her out.

00:32 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

Roxy calls Thea brave for coming out without her 'chaperones' of Chase University. She then says that Thea isn't ready and that the title is for big girls, and not children. Roxy calls her a little girl and anticipates Hail charging her by kicking her in the gut. The ladies trade submissions until Ridge Holland pulls Hail off of Roxy.

00:30 (GMT)17 JUL 2024

She's mad that everyone thinks both Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer will run through the NXT division before welcoming anyone from around the world to come to challenge her. The champ then mocks Thea's chances of beating her. Thea says she used to look up to Roxanne but that Roxy knows what it's like to be underestimated.
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