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  • WWE RAW Live Results (26th September, 2022)

WWE RAW Live Results (26th September, 2022)

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedSep 27, 2022 03:04 GMT

What will happen this week on RAW?


03:04 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

That's it for RAW, folks. I am Pranav Unnikrishnan, and we'll see you for the next show. Cheers!

03:03 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

03:03 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Riddle can't believe Priest kicked out. Rhea Ripley gets on the apron to distract Riddle. Priest takes advantage and hits a nasty clothesline. Priest hits a sideways facebuster for a near-fall. Riddle dodges a clothesline and goes for an RKO. Priest escapes, but fails to land the Reckoning. Riddle tries for the RKO again, but Priest hoists him up. Riddle reverses it into a pinning combination for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Riddle

As soon as the three-count is over, The Judgment Day attacks Riddle. Edge's music hits and he drops everyone in his way with Spears. Edge grabs a mic as the crowd rains him with cheers. Edge says The Judgment Day has tried to end him time and again, but he always comes back. Edge says tonight, he has come back in his own country. Edge challenges Balor to an I Quit match at Extreme Rules as the crowd roars their approval. Balor seethes in anger as his group retreats and the show goes off the air. 

02:56 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

We return to see Priest shove Riddle off the top rope. Riddle climbs back up and drops Priest with a superplex for a two-count. The two men trade blows. Riddle hits a knee and has a second one blocked. Riddle kicks Priest across his face. A second one misses and Priest hoists Riddle up. Riddle fights out and hits the Bro Derek for a close two-count. 


02:50 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

We return to see Priest in control of the match. Priest continues to talk trash to Riddle. Riddle gets to his feet, but is quickly forced back down. Priest continues to work the arms of Riddle. Riddle kicks Priest in the face and strikes away at him. Riddle hits a Ripcord Knee and does a kip-up. Riddle lands a jumping forearm and a suplex in quick succession. Riddle knees Priest in the chest and wipes him out with a dive outside the ring, 

Riddle puts Priest back in the ring and hits a powerbomb and a knee strike for a two-count. Riddle goes to the top rope, but Priest pushes him off it. Riddle writhes in pain as Balor mocks him. Priest sends Riddle back first into the barricade as we head towards another commercial break.

02:44 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

02:44 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

02:43 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Riddle suplexes Priest and lands the Broton for a one-count. Riddle goes to town on Priest, but runs into a spinning kick. Priest punches away at Riddle. Priest talks trash to Riddle, but gets sent outside the ring. Riddle kicks Balor, but that allows Priest to take over and slam Riddle onto the barricade as we head to a commercial break. 

02:41 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Matt Riddle vs. Damian Priest (w/The Judgment Day)

The bell rings and we are underway. A "Bro!" chant picks up. The two men lock up. Priest shoves Riddle away and stares him down. They lock up again and Riddle tries to hit a Codebreaker. Riddle puts Priest in a sleeper hold. Priest drops Riddle on his back, but Riddle gets right back to it. Priest misses a back elbow and stares Riddle down again. Riddle arm drags Priest down, but Priest traps him in a submission hold of his own. Riddle escapes and misses a kick. Both men get into a shoving contest that quickly escalates. Priest floors Riddle, but gets kicked away again for a stalemate. 

02:37 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Matt Riddle takes on Damian Priest.

02:34 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

02:34 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

02:30 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

The Judgment Day's music hits and the group makes their way to the ring. Finn Balor says it pains him to see him like this. Balor says they could have helped him beat Zayn. The group circle Styles as Balor keeps talking. Balor gets in the ring and calls himself a fair and generous person. Balor asks Styles to rise up and join The Judgment Day. Balor holds up the Too Sweet sign, but Styles flips him off. Balor and company attack him immediately. 

Rhea Ripley grabs a steel chair. Balor places it between his neck. Balor doesn't hit it and says he is his friend. Balor says that's not what friends do and shows him mercy. The group stands tall over Styles. Damn. 

02:25 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Zayn attacks Styles on the top rope. Styles gains the advantage and tries to powerbomb him off it, but Zayn escapes. Zayn hits a vicious Exploder Suplex. Zayn calls for a Helluva Kick, but Styles rolls out of the ring. Styles lures Zayn into the Calf Crusher. Zayn gets to the bottom rope to force a break. Styles gets to his feet, but Zayn hits a jawbreaker. Zayn goes for a Sunset Flip, but Styles reverses into the Styles Clash position. Styles fails to hit it, and a distraction allows Sikoa to attack Styles. Zayn hits the Helluva Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sami Zayn

02:18 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

02:17 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

We return to see Zayn kick away at Styles. Zayn goes for a suplex, but Styles floors him instead. Styles connects with a forearm and calls for the Phenomenal Forearm. Styles misses, but rolls Zayn up for a two-count. Styles hits an Exploder Suplex into the turnbuckle. Styles puts Zayn back into the ring and stares Sikoa down again. Zayn kicks Styles in the face and lands a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near-fall. 

Zayn punches away at Styles and perches him on the top rope. Styles returns some punches. Zayn plants Styles on his back for another near-fall. Styles rolls out of the ring to buy himself some time. Zayn drives Styles into the ring post and then sends him over the barricade. Zayn tells the referee to begin the count, but Styles makes it back at nine. Styles rolls Zayn up for a two-count. Zayn and Styles trade blows. Zayn kicks Styles and gets hit with a Pele kick in response as the crowd cheers.

02:11 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

02:10 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

02:10 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

02:10 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Zayn goes to the top rope and hits an elbow drop for a one-count. Zayn sends Styles outside the ring. Zayn fist bumps Sikoa. Zayn resets the count and lands a moonsault onto the outside of the ring. Zayn puts Styles back in the ring and scores a two-count. Styles lands the Phenomenal Blitz and a running forearm. Styles splashes Zayn in the corner and hits the Ushigoroshi. Styles calls for the Styles Clash, but Zayn escapes. Styles responds with a spinning backbreaker for a two-count. Zayn rolls outside the ring. Styles leaps onto him and stares Sikoa down as we head to a commercial break.  

02:07 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Sami Zayn (w/Solo Sikoa) vs. AJ Styles

The bell rings and we are underway. The two men lock up. The crowd chants "Ole!". Zayn holds up the one-fingered Bloodline salute. Styles dropkicks Zayn and slams his head into the top turnbuckle. Styles hits a backbreaker. Styles hits a falling knee, but Zayn kicks out. Zayn elbows Styles and backdrops him for a half-count. Lol.

02:03 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Sami Zayn and Solo Sikoa are on RAW. Zayn will take on AJ Styles following their Twitter spat. 

01:54 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

01:54 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Nikki A.S.H. has taken her mask off. Hmm....

01:53 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

01:53 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Candice LeRae vs. Nikki A.S.H.

The bell rings and LeRae starts out strong. Nikki takes over and downs LeRae. LeRae rolls Nikki up and strikes away at her. LeRae grounds Nikki and goes to the top rope. Nikki cuts her off and talks trash. LeRae brings her down from there and scores a three-count.

Winner: Candice LeRae

01:50 (GMT)27 SEP 2022


01:45 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Dexter Lumis gets to The Miz and puts him to sleep. In other news, the sky is blue.

01:45 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

01:44 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

01:42 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Omos vs. Local Competitors (2-on-1 Handicap match)

Omos obliterates both competitors without breaking a sweat. Omos lands a splash in the corner. Omos runs roughshod over both wrestlers and slams both of them. He stands over one of them for the pin and the win.

Winner: Omos

01:34 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

01:34 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

01:33 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

01:31 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Gargano tags in and sends Otis flying. Owens tags in and nails some good tag team offense. Owens hits the Swanton Bomb for a two-count. Gable escapes a Pop-Up Powerbomb and gets suplexed. Gargano tags in and walks right into two suplexes. Otis tags in and puts Gargano in an Electric Chair. Gable hits a top-rope move, but Owens breaks it up. Otis attacks Owens and clotheslines him outside the ring. Otis strips the announce table.

Owens superkicks Otis twice. Owens stands on the barricade and elbow-drops Otis through the announce table. In the ring, Gable and Gargano trade blows. Gargano floors Gable and hypes the crowd up. Austin Theory interferes and Gable hits a cliffhanger DDT, but Gargano kicks out at two! Theory misses wildly and Gargano superkicks him. Gargano drops Gable with a huge DDT to take the win for his team.

Winners: Kevin Owens and Johnny Gargano

01:27 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

We return to see Otis and Gargano fighting. Otis forces Gargano into the corner. Owens hypes the crowd up as Gargano takes Alpha Academy out. Gable pulls Gargano away from Owens. Gargano tags Owens in and he goes to town on Alpha Academy. Owens does a crotch chop and hits a cannonball. Owens nails a backbreaker for a close two-count. Owens goes for a top-rope swanton, but Gable gets his knees up. Gable misses a moonsault. Owens tries to superkick Gable, but gets blocked. A Stunner gets blocked. but Owens locks in a Sharpshooter. Otis breaks up the hold. 

01:20 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Kevin Owens & Johnny Gargano vs. Alpha Academy

The bell rings and we are underway. Gargano and Gable lock up. Gable trips Gargano and traps him in a headlock. Gable shoulder blocks Gargano, but then gets floored by a hurricanrana. Otis and Owens tag in and they lock up. Owens lands a dropkick after two failed shoulder blocks as Gable tags in. Owens hits a running senton and then one from the top rope for a two count. Gargano tags in and lands some good tag team moves. Otis tags in and hoists Gargano up before dropping him onto the floor. 

01:17 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Owens tears a fan's sign off. This guy is a legend.

01:14 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Alpha Academy make their way to the ring for their match against Kevin Owens and Johnny Gargano.

01:12 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

01:10 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Kevin Owens and Johnny Gargano see a member of Miz's security team on the floor. Owens laughs as Gargano looks on confused. Dexter is in here somewhere, folks!

01:09 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

01:07 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Rollins gets to his feet and goes for a Stomp. Mysterio escapes and sends Rollins to the outside of the ring. Mysterio lands a great sliding splash to a downed Rollins outside the ring. Mysterio puts Rollins back in the ring and heads to the top rope. Mysterio hits a splash, but Rollins kicks out at two. The crowd chants "Dominik's useless!"

Mysterio misses a 619 and Rollins grounds him. Rollins goes to the top rope, but Mysterio cuts him off. Mysterio tries to land the hurricanrana, but Rollins blocks him, but he can only do so momentarily. Mysterio lands it and then connects with a 619. Rollins rolls to the outside of the ring and gets kicked in the face. Dominik throws Mysterio the chair and dares him to deal the blow. Rhea Ripley attacks Mysterio out of nowhere while the referee checks on Rollins. Rollins lands a Stomp and then locks in a submission move for the victory and a message to Matt Riddle.

Winner via submission: Seth 'Freakin' Rollins

01:01 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

We return to see Rollins in control as Dominik watches on. Rollins kicks Mysterio in the head and fist-bumps Dominik. Rollins mocks Eddie Guerrero and tries to complete the Three Amigos, but Mysterio cuts him out with a huge DDT. Rollins goes for the Buckle Bomb, but gets sent into the turnbuckle courtesy of a hurricanrana. 

Mysterio goes to the top rope, but Rollins cuts him off. Rollins tries to superplex him off it and gets pushed off. Mysterio hits a springboard crossbody for a two-count. Mysterio rolls Rollins up for a two-count. Mysterio trips Rollins up for a 619, but runs into a Buckle Bomb and a Falcon Arrow, but he narrowly kicks out at two!

00:56 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

00:54 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

00:54 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Dominik Mysterio emerges with a steel chair in hand. A QR code randomly comes on the screen (wink wink). Rollins and Dominik laugh together as the show heads to a commercial break. 

00:53 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Rollins gleefully stalks Mysterio. Mysterio punches away and lands a sunset flip for a two-count. Rollins mockingly kicks Mysterio and chops his chest. Rollins sends Mysterio into the corner and does a little dance. Rollins misses a charging move and gets sent into the turnbuckle. Mysterio punches away at Rollins in the corner. Rollins tries to escape, but gets elbowed in the face. Rollins catches him mid-air and lands a backbreaker. Rollins throws Mysterio out of the ring and smiles to himself.  

00:50 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

Rey Mysterio vs. Seth 'Freakin' Rollins

We return from the commercial break to see Rollins kicking away at Mysterio in the corner. Rollins is bleeding from his forehead. Rollins continues to brutalize Mysterio. Mysterio gets rolling and grounds Rollins. Mysterio kicks Rollins in the face, but gets planted with a backbreaker. Rollins punches Mysterio in his back twice and plants him for a two-count. 

00:45 (GMT)27 SEP 2022

The bell hasn't even rung and Mysterio dropkicks Rollins out of the ring. We head to a commercial break. 
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