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  • WWE RAW Live Results (April 10, 2023): Huge title change, Hall of Famer turns heel, Cody Rhodes challenges Brock Lesnar

WWE RAW Live Results (April 10, 2023): Huge title change, Hall of Famer turns heel, Cody Rhodes challenges Brock Lesnar

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedApr 11, 2023 03:02 GMT

Check out the live results from WWE RAW!


03:02 (GMT)11 APR 2023

03:01 (GMT)11 APR 2023

03:01 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Thanks for joining our live coverage of WWE RAW. We'll be back tomorrow for NXT. Meanwhile, check out these videos from our YouTube channel.

03:00 (GMT)11 APR 2023

03:00 (GMT)11 APR 2023

The Bloodline are laying into Kevin Owens. We cut to the back and see Sami Zayn and Riddle running into the building. It's all breaking down here. They take out The Usos and go after Solo 2-on-1. They send Solo crashing out of the ring and KO hits Jimmy Uso with a Stunner. The tide has turned. The Bloodline are retreating. Sami and Riddle showed up right on time.

02:58 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Owens somehow manages to hit Solo Sikoa with a Pop-Up Powerbomb. He now goes for a Stunner but Solo pushes him away. Jey Uso was waiting and he hits KO with a superkick. Solo follows it up with a superkick of his own, followed by the Samoan Spike. 1-2-3! KO isn't getting up from that.

Solo Sikoa def. Kevin Owens

02:56 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Owens ends up slamming Solo from the top. The Usos distract the referee but there's no stopping Kevin Owens. He hits Jimmy with a superkick and follows it up with a Swanton Bomb to Solo Sikoa but Solo still kicks out.

02:54 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Owens is basically wrestling on one knee now. He goes for a Stunner but it's easily cut off. Sikoa heads to the top rope but KO sends him crashing down. Owens now joins Sikoa on the turnbuckle but can't hit the superplex because of his injured knee.

02:53 (GMT)11 APR 2023

02:53 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Solo heads up to the top rope to meet KO. Owens knocks him off and hits a Frog Splash but Solo kicks out at two and a half.

02:50 (GMT)11 APR 2023

We're back from the break, and Solo is still brutalizing KO.

02:46 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Solo takes KO down and hits a running hip attack in the corner as we cut to another commercial break.

02:45 (GMT)11 APR 2023

KO rolls out to ringside and takes out Jey Uso. He now sends Solo crashing into the steel steps. Back in the ring, KO hits Solo with a senton for a two-count. 

02:44 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Solo Sikoa vs. Kevin Owens

Solo goes right after KO's injured knee with a couple of leg kicks. Owens is forced back as Solo takes control, stomping on KO's injured knee repeatedly.

02:43 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Solo Sikoa is out first, accompanied to the ring by The Usos. KO comes out next to a massive pop from the fans in attendance.

02:37 (GMT)11 APR 2023

02:36 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Kevin Owens is interviewed backstage. He says he knows the odds are stacked against him ahead of tonight's main-event but he's just looking for some revenge tonight.

02:35 (GMT)11 APR 2023

02:34 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Michin hits Piper Niven with a sunset flip powerbomb but can't put her away. Michin hits back with the Eat The Deet. IYO SKY breaks up the cover with the Over The Moonsault and pins Michin for the win.

IYO SKY def. Michin and Piper Niven

02:32 (GMT)11 APR 2023

We're back from the break, and the action is coming thick and fast. Niven slams IYO SKY into Michin. SKY now has a chokehold locked in on Niven. Niven launches IYO SKY into Michin, who's seated on the top turnbuckle. IYO SKY uses her momentum to take out Michin with a hurricanrana. IYO now hits a double dropkick off the top rope.

02:27 (GMT)11 APR 2023

IYO SKY vs. Michin vs. Piper Niven

Michin makes a strong start to the match. IYO SKY takes Niven down with a dropkick, and Michin is all over Io. She plants her face-first into the mat and follows it up with a tope suicida out at ringside. SKY hits a moonsault out to ringside as we head to a commercial break.

02:20 (GMT)11 APR 2023

02:15 (GMT)11 APR 2023

02:15 (GMT)11 APR 2023

The Usos turn their attention to Otis at ringside and send him crashing over the announcer's table. Gable has Jimmy Uso in his sights and hits a diving headbutt for a nearfall. He goes for an ankle lock, but Jey gets out. The Usos hit a double superkick, followed by the 1D, and pick up the win.

The Usos def. Alpha Academy

02:13 (GMT)11 APR 2023

We're back from the break and Otis tags in. He takes down both Usos with powerslams. He tries to pin Jimmy but it's a nearfall. Otis now flattens Jimmy Uso in the corner. He follows it up with the Caterpillar! Gable now tags back in. Double team move from Alpha Academy but Jey Uso manages to save the match for his team.

02:06 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Chad Gable tags in but he gets overpowered as Jimmy Uso tags in. Jimmy and Gable trade strikes. The former Olympian now heads to the top rope and hits a crossbody for a two-count. Gable continues to outwrestle Jimmy Uso. Jey manages to tag in and they take Gable down. The Usos now hit Otis with a double superkick.

02:04 (GMT)11 APR 2023

The Usos vs. Alpha Academy

Otis and Jey Uso start the match for their respective teams. He overpowers Jey early on. Jey goes for a sunset flip, but Otis looks like he's walking the runway as he heads to the ropes.

02:00 (GMT)11 APR 2023

01:55 (GMT)11 APR 2023

UP NEXT: The Usos will take on Alpha Academy.

01:53 (GMT)11 APR 2023

01:52 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Cody Rhodes challenges Brock Lesnar to a match at Backlash! Will Brock Lesnar accept the challenge?

01:51 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Cody says that he heard Brock was unhappy with his spot and WrestleMania, which is why he attacked Cody. His own theory is that Brock Lesnar is uncertain about him and if he's a threat. Cody says he's definitely scared of Brock Lesnar, but he still wants to fight him.

01:49 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Cody now turns his attention to Brock Lesnar. He says he came to RAW looking for some satisfaction, some form of revenge and he put his faith in Brock Lesnar and Lesnar repaid it by destroying him.

01:47 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Cody Rhodes says he lost to Roman Reigns and he's sorry for that. He says a friend told him after the match, that had main-evented WrestleMania and that's a win in itself. Cody said he disagreed. Cody adds that he also heard Paul Heyman say that if Cody wants another title shot, he will have to earn it.

01:43 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Cody Rhodes is out next after last week's brutal beatdown at the hands of Brock Lesnar.

01:39 (GMT)11 APR 2023

01:38 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Lashley and Reed are still going after each other and we have officals and referees out to try and separate the two behemoths.

01:37 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Reed sends Lashley face-first into the ring-post... and the referee calls for the bell. The match ends in DQ.

Bobby Lashley wins by DQ

01:37 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Reed breaks free and heads up to the top turnbuckle. He hits Lashley with a leaping Thesz Press off the top rope. Lashley goes for a Spear but catches a knee. Reed charges at Lashley who plants him in the middle of the ring. Lashley goes for the Hurt Lock again but both men go crashing out to ringside.

01:34 (GMT)11 APR 2023

We're back from the break and Lashley sidesteps Reed, who crashes into the turnbuckle. Lashley hits a running shoulder tackle in the corner and follows it up with a snap suplex to Bronson Reed. Lashley is looking for the Hurt Lock but he can't lock it in.

01:31 (GMT)11 APR 2023

01:29 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed

Bobby Lashley isn't in a good mood tonight, and he's going right after Reed. Lashley goes for a suplex, but Reed powers out. Reed now overpowers Lashley and dumps him on the top rope. 

Reed now knocks Lashley off the apron and follows it up with a flying shoulder tackle.

01:22 (GMT)11 APR 2023

UP NEXT: It's Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed.

01:20 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Bayley is backstage with IYO and Dakota. Bayley says she's in a #1 contender's match tonight and IYO and Dakota aren't happy. They feel it should be one of them.

01:17 (GMT)11 APR 2023

01:12 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Paul Heyman is interviewed backstage ahead of tonight's main event that will see Kevin Owens take on Solo Sikoa. With Sami Zayn and Matt Riddle not present at RAW, he says The Bloodline will solve the Kevin Owens problem tonight.

01:10 (GMT)11 APR 2023

01:09 (GMT)11 APR 2023

01:09 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Classy move from Becky Lynch as she hugs Trish after the loss but Stratus isn't having any of it. She attacks Becky from the back and takes her out with a Chick Kick! We didn't see that coming!

01:07 (GMT)11 APR 2023

Trish goes to hit Liv Morgan with the Chick Kick but Liv counters it with a roll up! 1-2-3! She does it! Liv Morgan pins Trish Stratus! We have new champions!

Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez def. Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch
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