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  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (May 31, 2024): Massive swerve, Cody Rhodes destroyed, two injuries revealed, and more

WWE SmackDown Live Results (May 31, 2024): Massive swerve, Cody Rhodes destroyed, two injuries revealed, and more

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedJun 01, 2024 02:06 GMT

Check out the results for WWE SmackDown right here.


01:59 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

That'll do it for our live coverage of WWE SmackDown on FOX! Be sure to hang out with us on Monday for a new episode of RAW!

01:59 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

The show ends with Corey Graves saying "AJ Styles, you son of a-". Great ending.

01:59 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Cody raises Styles' hand in the air to each end of the crowd then AJ shockingly clotheslines Cody! What! AJ proceeds to repeatedly punch and stomp The American Nightmare! 

Styles tosses Cody out to the floor and rams him into the steel steps. He then slams Cody head first into the ring post. AJ then lifts  up and hits the Styles Clash off the stairs onto the floor!

Notably, Anderson and Gallows stopped referees and security from getting involved. 

01:57 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Cody says they only ever exchanged one text back and forth, which was Rhodes asking if AJ was okay post-Backlash. AJ called Cody little bro. Cody says thank you on behalf of him and the entire locker room.

The two then shake hands and hug. AJ poses to the crowd. 

01:55 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Loud "Cody" chants. AJ Styles says before he came out here, he wanted to look Rhodes in the eyes face-to-face and tell Cody that they had one of his greatest matches at Backlash in France. AJ says the crowd was electric and if he was going to have one last match, that would've been it. AJ then said this is still the house that AJ Styles built. 

Aj says he called Cody out here to hand him the keys.

01:54 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

AJ says before he goes that he whispered something into Cody's ear. He asked if Cody wouldn't mind coming out now is the time. Cody Rhodes' music then hits to a big applause from the crowd. He's so over.

01:53 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

AJ says he busted his b*tt to be phenomenal. He says his son just graduated high school, and that's when clarity hit. He asked how many of these did he miss? Styles says instead of being the Phenomenal AJ Styles, maybe he stays at home and instead is a phenomenal father. AJ then turns to Gallows and Anderson. 

Styles says he couldn't have done this without them and he loves them. AJ says they're better than friends. They're brothers. He says if we're doing this one last time, let's do it right, and Too Sweeted them before hugging them.

01:51 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

AJ Styles takes a microphone and looks emotional. The crowd chants "AJ Styles," and he says he's been thinking about what Nick Aldis said over the last week and dwelled on it. He said if he wanted another opportunity at Cody Rhodes, he'd have to go to the back of the line. Aj says Nick is doing his job, and he understands that. He says he dwelled on it and that he just can't do that at this point in his career.

Styles says he can't do that. AJ says he has been doing this for over two decades. He says he's been busting his body in these rings. He says blood, sweat, and tears were lost worldwide, and he gets emotional, stopping for a moment.

01:48 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Back from break and AJ Styles comes out alongside Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Corey Graves sounds emotional on commentary.

01:47 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

After that, AJ Styles is shown backstage. LA Knight goes face-to-face with him and says if this is it, respect. Rivals showing respect is nice. Cody Rhodes then shows up and gives Styles respect too. Lastly. The O.C. is shown and despite everything, they're going out there with AJ.

01:43 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Announced for next week:

- Jade Cargill vs. Indi Hartwell.
- Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller.
- Apollo Crews vs. Angel. 
- Solo Sikoa will officially anoint Tonga Loa.

01:42 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Chelsea is back in the ring, and Naomi climbs the ropes. Piper knocks her down, and Chelsea hits a superkick. Bayley breaks up the count, but Piper makes her way, slamming her into the stairs and ring post. Naomi hits the Rear View on Chelsea in the ring, but Piper breaks up the pin!

Piper squishes Naomi and throws Chelsea on top of Naomi, and Green wins! Wow, this is big!

Piper Niven and Chelsea Green defeats Naomi and Bayley

01:41 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Piper comes in, and Bayley tries to get a tag but doesn't get it. She goes again and, this time kicks Piper off, but a stomp to the gut stalls her momentum. Piper goes for an elbow drop and misses, allowing Bayley to tag Naomi in! Chelsea gets the tag in, too, and eats an apron piledriver followed by a big crossbody from the top. Naomi then dropkicks Piper off the apron.

Naomi fires the crowd up and hits a running dropkick, a fancy kick, and a split-legged moonsault for a two-count. She then hits a twisting dive onto both Piper and Chelsea on the floor. 

01:39 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Back from the break, Piper Niven is in control of Bayley. She tags Chelsea in, and the two hit multiple strikes. This leads Green to a nearfall victory over the WWE Women's Champion. Chelsea then taunts Naomi, which allows Bayley to start fighting back. Chelsea then throws Bayley into their corner, and The Role Model can't truly make a comeback.

01:35 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Naomi tags Bayley back in and the two send Chelsea Green to the floor. They fire the crowd up and Naomi hits the ropes before diving onto Chelsea on the floor. Bayley then hits a diving forearm smash off the apron onto Piper as we go to another commercial break.

01:34 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Bayley and Naomi vs. Piper Niven and Chelsea Green

This should be fun. Bayley went right after Chelsea and Green quickly tagged in Piper. Niven took The Role Model down, even slamming her into the corner. This leads to Chelsea tagging back in only to eat a suplex. Bayley tags Naomi in who hits a fancy splits attack.

01:32 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

After that ad break, WWE continues to hype up hearing from AJ Styles later tonight. From there, we go to Kayla Braxton backstage with Michin. She talks about AJ Styles potentially retiring, noting the issues they've had. Then Nia Jax interrupts. Michin says she was speaking and Nia tells her not to step up to her. Michin then does exactly that, stepping up to Jax. Nia says Michin will regret that and walks away. Another match possibly teased!

01:27 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

After that, Bayley's music hits and she makes her way out alongside Naomi. Bayley is still feeling the attack from earlier tonight, though, selling it on her way out.

Naomi and Bayley will be in tag team action next.

01:26 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

From there, we go to a highlight video of Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill vs. The Way from the King and Queen of the Ring. Jade and Bianca are then shown talking about Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler. Indi Hartwell interrupts them and reveals they injured Candice's knee. It isn't clear for how long she's out, however. 

Jade says she'll put Indi on the shelf next to Candice and Indi quickly backed down. 

01:24 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Dawkins sends Tama to the apron, but Loa knocks Angelo down. He then fires up but gets pounced into a tag! Dawkins has no idea Tama tagged in. Ford tags in and hits a big Frog Splash on Loa but Tama runs in and hits his Flatliner variant and this one is over. He pins Ford for the win.

The Bloodline defeats The Street Profits via pinfall

01:23 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

The crowd is ready and fires Dawkins up for a tag and he gets it! Montez rushes in and attacks Loa with repeated strikes. Loa pushes Montez away and attempts a backdrop, but Ford lands on his feet. He then hits repeat strikes and a face buster to Tama Tonga! Ford hits a big kick on Loa and a corner splash. Dawkins tags in and lifts Loa up on his shoulders.

Ford climbs to the top and they hit a beautiful Doomsday Blockbuster, but Tama Tonga interrupts the pin!

01:22 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Back from break and The Bloodline is in full control. Tama is beating down Angelo Dawkins as Paul Heyman looks on in fear from the timekeeper's area. The crowd loudly boos Tama as he goes for a big elbow and misses! The fans want Montez to tag in. He hits a big strike and goes for a suplex, but Tama counters it with numerous elbows. Dawkins overcomes it and hits a T-Bone anyway!

01:17 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Tama and Angelo trade strikes and Loa tags in. He hits a brutal clothesline on Dawkins and then a backdrop driver! Loa then throws Angelo out to the floor to Tama. Tama Tonga proceeds to slam Dawkins against the announce desk. From there, Loa repeats it, slamming Angelo against the table. He then whips Dawkins into a clothesline on the floor as we go to break.

01:16 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Loa hits a big slam and then a suplex before tagging Tama in. Tama hits a slingshot elbow and several big strikes in their corner. Ford tries to fight out of it, but a European uppercut stops him. 

Ford then ducks out of a move and tags in Dawkins! Angelo runs in and starts firing up, hitting a big back elbow, a twisting splash, and a kick, but Tama kicks out at two. 

01:14 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Montez Ford gets a near fall, and Irish Whips Tama into the buckle. He charges and gets sent onto the apron. Loa causes a distraction, and Tama sends Ford to the floor. Loa then throws Ford into the barrier and then back into the ring. Corey Graves mentions them being 7-time IWGP Tag Team Champions in Japan.

Tama then hits repeated clotheslines to a seated Montez before tagging Loa in. 

01:13 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

After the commercial, this one is officially underway.

The Bloodline vs. The Street Profits

Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa are competing on their first tag match in WWE. That's pretty cool. The match is in progress, and The Street Profits are lighting Tama Tonga up and exchanging quick tags.

01:09 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

The Street Profits show up and have Kevin Owens' back! This leads to a brawl between all six names. Solo and Kevin fight off into the crowd. Meanwhile, The Street Profits send Tonga and Loa to the floor. Dawkins then hits a dive as we go to break!

Great segment. That match is next.

01:08 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Paul says he's trying to save Kevin Owens. He knows his kids, and he's trying to help Owens. Paul goes on in a passionate promo about how nobody will listen to him and how he's trying to redeem himself. This leads to him hitting Owens with his microphone by mistake. You *bleeped* up chants, then echo, which causes FOX to mute the promo.

Finally, Solo Sikoa and The Bloodline come out, which saves Paul Heyman. 

01:06 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Kevin asks what Heyman has done over the past few years that would make him trust anything coming out of Paul's mouth. He accuses Paul of pulling the strings. He mentions going from Brock to Roman and calls Solo his next cash cow. Owens asks if Paul is trying to instill fear. Kevin says he's fought The Bloodline for four years, went over everything they've gone through, and is still standing here.

Roman says that was The Bloodline - Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and the people he respects. He says Solo and this Bloodline are people he doesn't want to know, and nobody wants them here. Kevin says he'll fight them to get them out of his world, WWE. Owens says he doesn't want or need Paul's help.

01:04 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Heyman says Roman Reigns respected and admired Kevin Owens and that everything that happened between them was because Roman Reigns acknowledged Kevin as a true threat. He then says Solo Sikoa has no respect for Kevin. He mentions Solo bringing in criminals who were turned down for The Bloodline in the past. He says they're looking for an excuse to take Owens out.

Paul says this is bad for WWE because he likes Kevin in WWE, and the fans love him in WWE. Heyman says if Owens keeps calling out Solo's name, they will do something terrible about it. Paul pleads and begs Kevin to back off The Bloodline. 

01:02 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Paul says he represents Roman Reigns, but with Roman away, he represents Solo Sikoa and The Bloodline which gets boos. He tries buttering up to Kevin, and Owens tells him to get in the ring. Loud "we want Roman" chants again. These chants are drowning out segments lately. Paul says nobody wants Roman here more than he does.

01:00 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Owens says he returned to SmackDown last week to make sure Randy Orton was back. The crowd loves Owens. Kevin says Randy has had his back for years now. Owens says he had to make sure The Bloodline didn't cheat Orton. He also mentioned that Randy didn't really lose to Gunther.

Kevin says that while Orton isn't here tonight, he knows who Solo and his little group are. This leads to Paul Heyman interrupting!

00:59 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

After the commercial, we see Andrade backstage. Angel shows up and says he was embarrassed in front of Legado, then Apollo attacks Angel! Crews tells him to stay out of his business. That was a surprise.

We then see Kevin Owens in the ring. 

00:53 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Heyman says the strategy has to be when Roman comes back, we have Cody Rhodes in check. Sikoa says they have Cody in check and he doesn't even know it. Some "Cody" chants. Paul then asks with all due respect, who is "we"? Before Solo can answer, Kevin Owens' music hits. Solo says Heyman better go out there and fix it now. "We want Roman chants" were heard throughout the segment.

Kevin Owens' segment will be NEXT after the break.

00:52 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

From there, we see Randy Orton and Kevin Owens' issues with The Bloodline. It is revealed Orton is having his knee evaluated by a specialist, so he's hurt. Uh-oh.

We then see The Bloodline backstage. Solo hypes up Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa. Paul Heyman shows up, and Solo seems annoyed. Paul says he's been thinking about how to serve Solo better. Paul says when Roman was Tribal Chief, there was violence, but it was for the family. He says before Roman said yes to violence, there was a council from The Wiseman.

Paul says Solo is recruiting violent men into The Bloodline, and all he sees are random acts of violence, but there's no strategy at all.

00:49 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Angel is celebrating the fact that he helped Andrade and the rest of Legado Del Fantasma come onto the stage. Andrade seems confused as the group tries to welcome him. Andrade instead walks past them.

Santos Escobar looks annoyed, but Angel insists he has things under wraps and chases after Andrade backstage.

00:49 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Apollo ducks a move and hits a big German. He goes for another, but Andrade holds onto the ropes and hits a big boot. From there, Andrade climbs the ropes but gets kicked in the head. Apollo then hits a huge press slam and a moonsault for a two-count!

Angel gets up on the apron and causes a distraction. Andrade hits his beautiful elbow and then hits The Message! This one is over.

Andrade defeats Apollo Crews via pinfall

00:47 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Back from break and both Apollo and Andrade are fighting on the ropes. Andrade knocks Crews down and hits a big crossbody. The crowd is enjoying this one as they begin trading blows. Andrade hits the ropes with a running forearm. Andrade then kicks up. Firing up the crowd, he hits the running double knees in the corner for a two count. 

Angel is still ringside. It isn't clear if he's on Andrade's side or not.

00:45 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Andrade has things in hand when Angel makes his way out. This causes a distraction, which allows Crews to take control and then hit a Moonsault off of the apron!

From there, we go to break.

00:42 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

From there, we go to Apollo Crews in the ring. He says he's back on SmackDown and will start it with a "w." This leads to Andrade coming out! We then get a video of Angel attempting to recruit Andrade to Legado, but Andrade declines.

Andrade vs. Apollo Crews

Andrade is so good. This should be fun. They trade early on, trying to get momentum, but Andrade levels Apollo with a dropkick. From there, El Idolo hits a big belly-to-back suplex. 

00:39 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

After the break, Wade Barrett and Corey Graves talk about AJ Styles potentially retiring. This then transitions to a recap video of Cody Rhodes vs. Logan Paul from the PLE. We then see LA Knight leaving Nick Aldis' office. Kayla Braxton interrupts, asking what the conversation is about. Knight calls her a nosey nelly. He gives Kayla a little grief and then says that Logan Paul isn't here this week. Knight says if he isn't getting the answer he wants, he'll make the answer he wants.

Knight says he wants the United States Championship, but then Carmelo Hayes interrupts. Hayes says Knight does a lot of talking but never really says anything. He asks why Logan would want to face him when Melo is right here. Melo mixes up their names, and Knight mocks him for it. Melo says he's HIM and walks away as Knight calls Hayes "trash."

00:31 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Nick Aldis is backstage with Blair Davenport. Naomi interrupts, requesting a match with Piper Niven and Chelsea Green. Blair takes offense to the interruption and tells Naomi she'll know who she is soon. Nick then confirms the tag team match tonight: Naomi and Bayley vs. Chelsea and Piper!

Next, LA Knight walks into the office. He asks about what's going on with Styles and even asks if he's retiring. Nick says he doesn't know. Knight says he's looking for Logan Paul, and Aldis asks Knight to take a seat as we go to break. That's a few big matches teased! Blair vs. Naomi and Knight vs. Logan!

00:29 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Theory rolls to the floor, and Waller talks smack on commentary. Grayson says Theory is relevant because of the Grayson Waller rub, which Theory hears and offends him. This distraction allows Ciampa to roll Austin up for a quick win!

Tommaso Ciampa defeats Austin Theory via pinfall

Waller took credit for Austin's rise and that cost the champions the win.

00:28 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

The crowd is behind Ciampa who hits a few big blows to Austin, Ciampa then goes for a neckbreaker but it gets countered. Ciampa counters that and goes for the Fairy Tale ending but that is countered. Austin then hits a big kick and his Ataxia move! That is such a crazy maneuver, but Tommaso kicks out. 

"Let's go Ciampa" chants as Johnny fires them up. Theory goes for his finisher but Ciampa stops it. He hits a huge chop on Austin and the two trade big shots, even booting each other at the same time. In the end, Ciampa hits the biggest blow with a big knee. This is really good.

00:26 (GMT)1 JUN 2024

Back from break and Tommaso Ciampa tries fighting back but Theory pushes him into the corner and hits a big back elbow. Austin taunts the crowd on the apron before rolling into the ring, but he eats a dropkick from Tommaso! The crowd gets behind Ciampa who begins to fire at Austin with big strikes. Chops and punches before a beautiful diving clothesline!

Tommaso then hits a reverse DDT, but it hurts his own neck. He goes for the cover and gets a nearfall. Waller looks worried.
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