When players first enter the Minecraft world, they soon start fighting dangerous hostile mobs that try to kill them. Mobs are A.I. entities that dwell in the game world that players can interact with and fight with. Most of these mobs, be it passive, neutral, or hostile, drop some kind of item upon death. The bigger and more dangerous the mob, the better the loot they drop. Hence, hostile mobs have some of the best loot drops in the game.
Minecraft has three realms: Overworld, Nether, and End. All three of these are filled with different kinds of hostile mobs. Some of them cannot be found anywhere in the world and need to be summoned by the player manually. Mob drops have a large range, from normal rotten flesh dropped by a zombie to over 12000 XP points dropped by Ender Dragon when it is first killed.
Top 10 hostile mob drops in Minecraft
10) Elder Guardian - Wet Sponge block

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Even though players can occasionally find sponge rooms in Ocean Monuments, if the structure does not generate the room, there is a 100% chance that an Elder Guardian will drop a sponge block upon death. This is an ultra-rare block that cannot be found anywhere else in the game.
9) Ender Dragon - 12000 XP points

Even though players can get loads of XP from several types of farms, Ender Dragon is one mob that can give the most amount of XP points in one go. Even if the player respawns the dragons in the future, they will drop a total of 500 XP points.
8) Creeper - Gunpowder

Gunpowder is a surprisingly rare item in the game, especially for new players. One way to easily obtain them is by killing Creepers. If players have Elytra, making a Creeper farm becomes crucial as they need loads of gunpowder for fireworks.
7) Shulker - Shuker Shells

Shulkers are static hostile mobs in the game that are present in End Cities. There is a 50% chance of them dropping their shells, which can be of great use for the players. These shells can be crafted with chests to create shulker boxes that can be broken and kept with players without spilling all the items inside it.
6) Enderman - Ender Pearls

Ender Pearls are one of the most important items in the game as it allows players to teleport and craft the Eye of Ender, which helps in finding the Stronghold. Though Enderman is not entirely hostile towards players, in order to get this valuable loot, players have to kill them.
5) Blaze - Blaze Rods

Another highly important item can be obtained by killing Blazes in the Nether Fortress. These drop Blaze rods that can be used to make Eye of Ender that helps find the End portal. It can also be crafted into Blaze powder, which acts as fuel to brew any potion.
4) Drowned - Trident

Tridents are extremely rare ranged weapons that can only be obtained by killing Drowned Zombies. There is a very small chance that one of them will drop the weapon. It can be used in several different ways with special enchantments.
3) Wither Skeleton - Wither Skull

Wither Skeletons are one of the most dangerous hostile mobs to spawn in the Nether Fortress. They usually drop coal and bones, but very rarely, they also drop their skulls as loot. These Wither skulls are extremely rare and are essential if players are planning to summon the Wither boss mob.
2) Evoker - Totem of Undying

Evokers are arguably the most dangerous Illager mob. These can only be found in Woodland Mansions and higher-level raids. Upon death, these mobs drop one totem of undying. This is one of the most valuable items in the game as it grants players with one extra life if they run out of hearts in a dangerous situation.
1) Wither - Nether Star

Wither is by far the most dangerous hostile mob in the game. It is even more lethal than the traditional boss mob, Ender Dragon. This monstrosity can fly and shoot explosive skulls that can destroy anything in their paths. When the beast is slain, it drops a Nether star, which can be crafted into a beacon. A beacon is a great block with which players can get loads of strong status effects within an area.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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