Minecraft's method of generating worlds allows for nearly endless possibilities, and players can utilize seeds to fine-tune their preferences.
With the right seed loaded in, players can spawn in a certain location or set themselves up for an easier or tougher start.
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In Minecraft 1.19, islands can be one of the most enjoyable starting locations in the game. Survival Island challenges remain popular throughout the community, and there are a ton of seeds to find great islands.
Below, Minecraft players can find a plethora of awesome island seeds for version 1.19 of the game.
Pillager Island (7788864565317673348), Small Igloo Island (10340) and 8 more great island seeds for Minecraft 1.19
1) Desert Village Island (-7052038827105428607)

Spawning on a desert island in Minecraft may not sound ideal, but this seed helps defy that notion.
Players spawn on an isolated desert island, which possesses a desert village that they can utilize for materials and shelter. The island is also surrounded by coral reef formations, making it gorgeous despite not having much in the way of traditional resources.
Players can also find a ruined Nether portal at (X: -520, Z: 88) and a shipwreck at (X: -375, Z: 215).
2) Small Jungle Island (1479235289)

Unlike the relatively sparse desert island from the previous entry, this Minecraft seed features a small spawn island overrun with plant life. Jungle trees rise high into the sky, and bamboo stalks create a thick forest to explore.
On the subject of exploration, this spawn island also has a jungle temple to check out if players are curious. If players clear out the massive amounts of greenery on the island, they'll have a great starter island to begin from before venturing out into the rest of the world.
3) Woodland Mansion Island (2243447718)

Woodland mansions received a small update in Minecraft 1.19. Specifically, they received the chance to generate cages containing Allays, which can be freed and tamed to help the player.
When players jump into this seed, they'll be found on a sizable island with a village and a woodland mansion within their sight lines. The village is found at (X: -280, Z: 120) and the mansion at (X: 180, Z: 70). There is also a shipwreck quite close to the mansion, making this seed full of places to explore.
Also check: Minecraft seed map
4) Small Igloo Island (10340)

Igloos in Minecraft aren't perfect homes, but they're certainly helpful in a pinch.
This seed starts players on an icy biome island, and they can find an igloo to call home at (X: 50, Z: -250). Fortunately, this igloo is also close to the mainland in case players need to head out to gather nearby materials.
Near the igloo, players can also find a partial shipwreck with some loot to grab, and a snow village rests at (X: 100, Z: 150).
5) Island Village Near Mainland (38200182)

Similar to the previously listed entry, this seed features a village very close to the primary mainland. Players can get themselves started within the village's constraints and then head northward to the mainland in order to collect additional materials as needed.
Once players have crafted a boat, they should easily be able to transit themselves back and forth between the island village and any other locations they'd like to explore.
6) Swamp Forest and Mushroom Fields (8303052291160925864)

This island seed is ideal for players who enjoy a little diversity in their Minecraft spawn. It features a forest, swamp and beach biome all on the same landmass, where players can gather their materials and build what they need.
Once they've taken care of business on their home island, they can swim or boat out to (X: -53, Z: 250) to find a small mushroom field island. Here, players can avoid hostile mobs spawning and collect mushrooms and milk mooshrooms to provide themselves with food or unique building blocks.
7) Pillager Island (7788864565317673348)

This Minecraft seed won't put players in an ideal position, but some prefer a challenge. Players will spawn directly on a semi-frozen island in the middle of a frigid sea. They will spawn adjacent to a pillager outpost.
It will be difficult to overcome this challenge immediately, but there are surrounding biomes where players can harvest materials. Once they're well-established, players can head back to the pillager outpost and take down its inhabitants. They can even release an allay or two.
8) Small Island Chain (1046914173606526351)

For a nice, well-rounded start, Minecraft players can look to this seed. It features a fairly wide starting island, with smaller ones to the south and southwest. Even smaller islands lie to the northwest near a small peninsula.
If players head southward, they can also find a portion of the mainland with a jungle temple at approximately (X: 382, Z: 1,176).
Due to the diversity of these islands near the spawn, players have plenty of options when it comes to finding the right biome for them to settle into.
9) Escape to the Village (-4068605769179788460)

Minecraft players begin on a desert island in this seed, and they have some unwelcome company in the form of a pillager outpost. If they don't want to tussle with the illagers from the beginning, it may not be a bad idea to head northward to the nearby island village.
There, players can gather what they need and build up their base of power before returning to defeat the illagers. It's a shame the villagers can't join the player as they'd make for very good shock troops.
10) Mushroom Continent (4558524981076830771)

Minecraft players won't necessarily spawn on an island in this seed, but they can find it a short distance from the mainland.
Players can begin by gathering what they need for a journey. They will also likely want a boat to travel through the ocean.
Directly to the northeast, players will find a mushroom field island and an even larger one right next to it, affixed with several smaller mushroom islands around it. This landmass is huge for a mushroom field biome, making it the perfect location to start a base safe from hostile mobs.
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