Caves are one of the most visited areas in Minecraft 1.20. As soon as players enter the world, they venture into various caves to find different kinds of blocks, items, structures, and biomes. However, caves can be a bit boring or challenging to navigate in this sandbox. This is where moderators come into play, and the community has created thousands of third-party features that can be added.
Let's look at some of the best mods that will enhance the cave exploration experience in the game. Though not many modders have updated their mods to the 1.20 version, a few are still worth checking out.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
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Top 10 cave mods for Minecraft 1.20
10) JourneyMap

If players are having trouble picturing the caves' layout and getting lost in them, the JourneyMap mod will significantly help them. It adds all kinds of map-related features to the game so players can see various layers of the world, including all the caves.
9) Biomes O' Plenty

Biomes O' Plenty is one of the best mods for adding a bunch of new biomes to the game. Though most of the biomes are on the surface of different dimensions, it also features two cave biomes for players to explore: Glowing Grotto and Spider Nest.
8) Nature's Compass

If players have not yet found the cave biomes that were added with the 1.18 and 1.19 updates, they can easily do so using the Nature's Compass mod. It adds a new kind of compass that players can configure to find a particular biome in their world.
7) Traveler's Backpack

Traveler's Backpack is a brilliant mod for players to store more items while moving. Since they will collect several stacks of things while mining, this backpack mod will help them keep more items in their inventory.
6) Cave Spelunking

Usually, players head into a cave to find various kinds of ore blocks and obtain earth minerals from them. However, some of these ores can be hidden deep inside the solid stone and deep slate blocks or completely hidden inside aquifers and lava pools. Hence, the Cave Spelunking mod prevents them from generating in areas that are not exposed to air.
5) Dungeons and Taverns

Dungeons and Taverns is a mod that adds various new structures to the game, including underground areas generated inside caves. Hence, this mod enhances the exploration aspect of the underground world.
4) GravelMiner

Whenever players mine a solid block with several gravel blocks on top, those gravel blocks fall and turn back into solid blocks. This can be pretty annoying and can suffocate players as well. Hence, this mod automatically turns falling gravel blocks into items whenever they stop falling.
3) Caves Rework

Caves Rework is a simple mod that changes the textures of blocks and items that specifically generate underground and makes them more consistent.
2) Excaver

This simple mod lets players mine several blocks at once, with or without the tools. Though this mod could seem like a cheat since it allows users to mine more than one block in one go, those creating massive structures can use this mod to clear up space quickly.
1) Cave Dust

This is a small mod that adds dust particles inside caves to enhance the overall visuals of the underground world of the game. Thankfully, this mod does not overwrite the lush cave biome, which has its own particles.
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