There are a number of differences between Minecraft's Java and Bedrock Editions, but the core gameplay remains the same. For new players diving into their first few survival worlds, it may not be a bad idea to use a seed to help them out.
Using specific world seeds, Minecraft beginners can start in an easier spawn location than what a randomized seed might give them.
Many seeds discovered online provide easy access to materials as well as helpful structures like villages. Some seeds also feature a considerable amount of biome variety, allowing newer players to explore and learn about Minecraft's various biomes and what they offer.
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Below, Bedrock Edition players can find some great beginner-friendly seeds to utilize this year.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
542630838 and 9 other great beginner seeds for Minecraft 1.19
1) -3832188667730420108

While they're somewhat rare in Minecraft compared to other biomes, mushroom field biomes are incredibly helpful for beginners. They don't spawn hostile mobs, and there is plenty of food available to take advantage of.
This seed starts players off in a desert biome, but there's a nearby jungle where players can collect wood. With enough wood, players can craft a boat and head to the mushroom field island at (X: -307, Y: 63, Z: 210). Here, newcomers can gather food and build a lasting shelter without interruption from hostile mobs at night.
2) 4364519598890647509

While newer players in Minecraft won't need End portal access right away, it doesn't hurt to know where to find one for later. Fortunately, Bedrock Edition strongholds, which contain End portals, are much less restricted placement-wise than they are in Java Edition.
This seed provides three strongholds quite close together within a 1500-block range at (X: 850, Y: -2, Z: -838), (X: 1034, Y: 3, Z: 997), and (X: -514, Y: 25, Z: 954). Once new players have their affairs in order, they can head to one of the seed's nearby strongholds to enter the End and battle the Ender Dragon.
3) 542630838

Each Minecraft seed offers something different, and this one might be quite interesting for new players. They begin in a basic plains biome near a ruined Nether portal at (X: 104, Z: 72), which has a loot chest that should contain high-quality items.
Next, players can head to a nearby plains village at (X: 200, Z: -328) to do some trading with nearby villagers. A second ruined portal can be found at (X: 296, Z: -472) for additional loot.
4) 5890542

If a new Minecraft player is looking for a diverse collection of biomes, this seed may suit them very well.
The massive island players spawn on has a sizable quantity of different biomes. These include plains, forests, frozen mountain peaks, dark forests, swamps, and even a few windswept hills.
There's even a collection of badlands on the eastern front of the island, making it an explorer's dream not only for beginners but also veterans.
5) -1781288725

While deserts may not always be ideal starting biomes in Minecraft, this spawn desert is a nice exception.
Players begin right next to a village at (X: 216, Z: -360). There are ruined Nether portals and desert pyramids next to the village.
The badlands biome near the village also has a nice abandoned mineshaft at (X: 200, Z: -440), which may be a solid location for some extra loot.
6) 2738820280724753287

Combining solid biome variety with plenty of early-game assistance, this Minecraft seed should be a great entry point for newcomers. Players spawn in a sizable forest biome. They have a combination of deserts and badlands to their east as well as savannah and plains biomes to the northwest.
Three villages at (X: -344, Z: -360), (X: 104, Z: -440), and (X: 216, Z: 40) will help players get started with free loot and trading opportunities. There are also additional structures worth looting, including a desert pyramid at (X: 216, Z: -312) and a nearby ruined portal at (X: 168, Z: 40).
7) 221248400389740068

Some of the most precious Minecraft seeds in the game are ones that place players close to nearby villages with blacksmith shops. This is because blacksmith shops possess loot chests that occasionally contain rare early-game items like diamonds and obsidian.
Players in this seed can find a village with two blacksmith shops at (X: -376, Z: -248). These two shops should offer quite a sizable amount of good items and/or blocks. Considering how long things like diamonds and obsidian usually take to obtain, these materials can help out new players in a big way.
8) 4034741314755476091

While many Minecraft beginners are content with learning the game slowly but surely, others may be looking for a little bit of a challenge.
This seed should fit nicely for a thrill-seeking beginner, as it has some beneficial structures nearby but also some that are a little more dangerous.
Players can find a village near their spawn point at (X: 232, Z: 280) with a ruined portal nearby at (X: 40, Z: 232). However, there's also a pillager outpost at (X: 520, Z: 344) if a player is looking for a fight.
Once a newcomer has gotten a little better prepared, they can also find an underground ancient city structure at (X: 168, Y: -51, Z: 152). They should just be careful not to disturb the Warden.
9) 2701992509374733482

Though this Minecraft seed won't provide players with instant resources or rare items, it does feature a particularly nice village.
At (X: -344, Z: -344), players can find a quiet village nestled within a snowy mountain valley. There's also a ruined Nether portal nearby at (X: -440, Z: -456) that may offer some extra items if players are willing to climb the mountain.
The village in this seed should be easy to light up, keeping it safe from hostile mobs spawning inside and allowing players to remain relatively peaceful.
10) -1307195662400911752

If beginners think snowy biomes are somewhat inhospitable, they should think again and use this seed. At spawn, players will find plenty of snow and ice as well as taiga forests and windswept hills.
However, the real draw of this seed is the large number of villages, many of which can be found a short distance from spawn. For example, four different villages are a short walk from spawn at (X: -280, Z: 344), (X: 136, Z: 216), (X: -968, Z: 232), and (X: -872, Z: -232).
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