Minecraft is filled with unique structures and biomes, which complement the exploration and adventure that comes with it. These structures may include unusual generations of terrains and localities such as villages, Ancient Cities, and much more. They offer a mesmerizing experience within the game while also being beneficial to players in their own ways.
Additionally, the locations and structures may hold treasure that can help players in their survival world. With that said, here are the ten best seeds for structures in Minecraft Bedrock.
Note: This article is subjective, and the list reflects the writer's opinions.
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10 amazing seeds for structures in Minecraft Bedrock
1) Hidden Village
Seed: –8760842477994929977

This seed spawns players right at a village, which is surrounded by a thick Mangrove Swamp. The beautiful landscape that complements the village makes for a remarkable interior escapade.
The place is full of librarians, who provide one of the most desired enchantment books in Minecraft: Mending. This seed brings about a great way to start the game.
- Spawn: X: 0 Y: 70 Z: 0
2) Treasure Island
Seed: 1070141852853881206

This Minecraft seed features a unique world generation at spawn. It comprises a jungle island, a desert temple, and a shipwreck, all in one location. The jungle island also consists of a jungle temple, where the spawn point is set.
This extremely rare seed is an amalgamation of various treasures and unique structures in Minecraft.
- Spawn: X: 0 Y: 71 Z: 0 (Right Next to the Jungle Temple)
- Desert Temple: X: 154 Y: 68 Z: 55
- Underwater Nether Portal: X: 40 Y: 48 Z: 56
- Shipwreck: X: 32 Y: 51 Z: 114
3) Exploration Treat
Seed: -5092820108002433452

This Minecraft seed is the definition of quadruple entrancement. It spawns players in the middle of a desert village, surrounded by a jungle biome consisting of a jungle temple. There is also a desert temple and trail ruins in the vicinity.
Overall, there is so much to explore before the game even begins. Additionally, players can start with incredible loot.
- Spawn: X: 0 Y: 64 Z: 0
- Desert Village: X: 8 Y: 72 Z: 36
- Nether Portal: X: 25 Y: 73 Z: 39
- Jungle Temple: X: 35 Y: 79 Z: 48
- Desert Temple: X: -246 Y: 64 Z: 64
- Trail Ruins: X: 78 Y: 66 Z: 67
4) Enemies Unite
Seed: –6168218077236275526

This is one of those seeds that contain amazing structures generating right at spawn. The world spawn is set in an enclosed Mountain Valley biome that consists of a village and a woodland mansion.
One pathway from the village leads to the highest peak in the region, while the other can take players down to a deep, dark area with an Ancient City underneath.
- Spawn: X: 0 Y: 140 Z: 0
- Mansion: X: 66 Y: 104 Z: 127
- Plain Village: X: 120 Y: 107 Z: 54
- Ancient city: X: 88 Y: -55 Z: 98
- Nether Portal (Outside the valley): X: 307 Y: 77 Z: 228
5) Hostile Isand
Seed: 5488339848409328138

This Minecraft seed features an island of hostility. Players can find a woodland mansion with a taiga village and a vast ruined portal here. The unique landmass comprises four different wood types as well.
Players can use the woodland mansion as their home and trade with the villagers for easy loot.
- Spawn: X: 13 Y: 74 Z: 54
- Woodland Mansion: X: 62 Y: 74 Z: 49
- Ruined Nether Portal: X: 22 Y: 64 Z: 138
- Taiga Village: X: 94 Y: 62 Z: 143
6) Depression in the Lake
Seed: 4845139847033877462

This seed features a village atop a meadow with a huge sinkhole in the middle. There is also an ocean ruins in the vicinity. This unbelievable world generation is quite rare, and the sinkhole featured here is one of the biggest in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition.
There is also a pillager outpost located right in the heart of the village.
- Spawn: X: 0 Y: 101 Z: 0
- Outpost: X: 16 Y: 70 Z: 91
- Plains Village: X; 10 Y: 63 Z: 126
- Nether Portal: X: 19 Y: 65 Z: 177
- Ocean Ruins: X: 179 Y: -49 Z: 114
7) Adventurous Jungle
Seed: 5096400208146136927

This Minecraft seed is a unison of multiple structures present near spawn. It comprises a plains village, a jungle temple, a woodland mansion, a lush cave, a pillager outpost, and a dungeon with a skeleton spawner.
These structures can provide a plethora of loot for players as they embark on a Minecraft journey.
- Spawn: X: 0 Y: 87 Z: 0
- Outpost: X: 110 Y: 112 Z: 153
- Plains Village: X: 83 Y: 110 Z: 157
- Jungle Temple: X: 70 Y: 111 Z: 209
- Woodland Mansion: X: 192 Y: 110 Z: 126
- Lush Cave opening: X: 184 Y: 83 Z: 92
- Dungeon (Skeleton Spawner): X: 191 Y: -25 Z: 42
- Trails: X: 131 Y: 72 Z: 351
- Ruined Nether Portal: X: 144 Y: 89 Z: 244
8) Pillage and Village
Seed: –6976363810279325479

The spawn in the seed places players amidst a scenic delight, where one can find a plains village. There is also a pillager outpost with a shipwreck right adjacent to it.
This is a rare structure generation since shipwrecks are generally buried in the oceans. All locations can provide a surplus of loot to get started in Minecraft.
- Spawn: X: -101 Y: 64 Z: -25
- Shipwreck 1 (Near the village): X: 150 Y: 68 Z: 33
- Plains Village: X: 151 Y: 64 Z: 46
- Outpost: X: 164 Y: 63 Z: 51
- Ocean Ruins: X: -10 Y: 69 Z: 147
- Shipwreck 2: X: -100 Y: 65 Z: 302
9) What lies beneath?
Seed: 1351621678

In this Minecraft seed, players will spawn in front of a densely populated village comprising a blacksmith. A pillager outpost is right at the heart of this village, surrounded by a beautiful-looking mountainous terrain.
Beneath this tranquil-looking village lies the deep dark that is home to an Ancient City.
- Spawn: X: 213 Y: 75 Z: 88
- Plains Village: X: 262 Y: 85 Z: 116
- Outpost: X: 305 Y: 88 Z: 111
- Ancient City: X: 347 Y: -47 Z: 98
10) Structures Galore
Seed: 1633603776073404

This seed has a spawn point in the middle of a village, surrounded by an endless oceanic splendor. Players can find an ocean monument and a unique shipwreck, with one half in the water and the other half in the sky nearby.
If a portal is made at X:- 191 Y: 63 Z: 745, players will spawn between a bastion remnant and a nether fortress. All these structures available at spawn make this seed ideal for speed runners.
- Spawn: X: -235 Y: 64 Z: 694
- Plains Village: X; -195 Y: 67 Z: 704
- Ocean Ruins: X: -175 Y: 67 Z: 829
- Ocean Monument: X: 55 Y: 61 Z: 745
- Shipwreck (half underwater): X: 154 Y: 46 Z: 641
- Shipwreck (Half hanging in the sky): X: 159 Y: 155 Z: 644
- Spawn in Nether: X: -21 Y: 67 Z: 92
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