Minecraft is a world full of wonders and beauty. To enhance the experience, players have the luxury of using commands with cheats enabled. There is a wide range of commands at the player's disposal, from summoning an entity to locating a specific biome or structure nearby. To use these commands, one needs access to the console by pressing the "T" button in the Java edition and the "T" or "Enter" button in the Bedrock edition.
While these commands are simple and straightforward, there are others that are complicated and may not be easy to execute. One should keep in mind that the achievements get locked when using commands. Nonetheless, this article will list 10 such commands that players can use with ease in their single-player world in Minecraft.
Note: The list present in the article reflects the views of the writer.
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10 best commands for single-player mode in Minecraft
1) /tp

This command enables players to get teleported to anywhere in Minecraft with just a click of a button. It can be applied to either a player or an entity.
The command can be used in various ways. Players can put in specific XYZ coordinates after /tp to travel to a particular place. If they do not wish to use coordinates, they can simply teleport themselves or another entity to each other.
2) /weather

Minecraft has a dynamic weather system wherein it can cycle between clear sky, rain, and thunderstorms. This command helps the players to switch between these weather types according to their liking and needs.
Players can also find out the current weather in-game by typing the query command. One can also add durations in seconds for the particular weather to remain.
3) /time

As the name would suggest, this command enables players to change or modify the Minecraft world time. Such a move can be especially advantageous when players do not wish to deal with hordes of mobs during night-time, they can instantly change it to daytime.
This command has three functions—Add, Query, and Set—each serving different functions. Add lets you add time to the game, Set allows you to shuffle between day, noon, sunset, sunrise, night, and midnight, and Query tells you the amount of time passed in-game.
4) /gamemode

This command allows players to change their game mode to either survival, creative, adventure, or spectator without the hassle of going to world settings.
Players can use abbreviations such as s or 0 for survival, c or 1 for creative, and a or 2 for adventure mode. This command allows Minecraft players to enjoy the world according to their mood.
5) /give

The /give command that works as a genie. It empowers players to spawn any item in their inventory, even enchanted ones. The command goes as /give [Item] [amount] [data value] [components]. The item can either be a name or an ID.
Data value defines the type of item to be spawned. For example, “/give planks 2 1” will give you two spruce wood planks. Using “/give planks 2 3” will give you two jungle wood planks. The component defines the specific attribute for the item.
6) /enchant

Players might find enchanting in Minecraft a bit tedious since it requires XP levels and various other items. Therefore, the easiest way to get something enchanted is by using the command /enchant.
To use this command, hold the item that needs to be enchanted in your hands, use the command /enchant <item> [level] and voilà the item will be enchanted.
7) /summon

Tired of finding and going towards an entity? Well, this brings the entity right to you. The /summon command allows you to bring any mob in Minecraft near you in just a matter of seconds.
Just type /summon <entity> [pos] [nbt] and the entity will be right in front of you or wherever you want it to be. The "Pos" indicates specific coordinates. you want the entity to spawn. "Nbt" is a tag indicating the specific entity type.
8) /locate

Minecraft has many biomes and structures, each having some significant block or item that a player wants. However, due to the game's vastness, it becomes difficult to find these places. To solve this problem, this command can be employed.
/locate helps players find the biomes or structures they are in search of. In the Java edition, players can also locate points of interest, which can include armorer, bee nest, etc. This command will provide the player with the coordinates of the place nearest to the player. The player can simply use the /tp command to teleport there.
9) /gamerule

If you want to play Minecraft according to your rules, this is the command just fit for that. The /gamerule command can help players modify a variety of game rules as per their liking.
These rules may include keeping inventory after death, no fire damage, no fall damage, etc. It can be set using the true or false boolean command, where, for example, if you want to remove fire damage, you can add the command like “/gamerule firedamage false.”
10) /spawnpoint

Spawn points are locations where players can respawn after dying. While players can do this in survival using beds in the Overworld, it can become tricky in the other dimensions.
/spawnpoint works in all dimensions without any exceptions. Players just need to add the coordinates of the place they wanna respawn after dying and surely after their death, they will respawn at those specified coordinates.
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