As a survival title, Minecraft requires players to spend their day wisely, collecting resources to make it through the early game's dangerous nights. Building farms to make getting these resources easier is a wise thing to do as early as possible, as it can have a snowball effect.
Many of Minecraft's most advanced farms are too expensive to be viable or buildable at all in the early game. However, there is no shortage of farms that can be constructed within a world's first week or two. The best of these farms are listed below.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
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Minecraft's 10 best early-game farms
1) Cow crusher

Cow crushers are incredible early-game farms as they provide ample access to one of the best basic foods in Minecraft: beef. They also produce leather.
While not especially useful for armor by the time a cow crusher should be made, leather is required for creating a level 30 enchanting setup. This means that cow crushers are an easy way to get access to enchantments like looting, fortune, and silk touch, all considered among the best enchantments in Minecraft.
2) Generic mob farms
Generic mob farms are great to build in the early game due to the plethora of useful resources they can produce. Gunpowder can be used to make TNT for more advanced Minecraft farms or stored up for firework rockets. Bones make bonemeal, which is always useful, and arrows are needed to shoot bows and crossbows. Even rare iron ingots from zombies are useful.
Generic mob farms also require little in the way of resources, with the most expensive component being the four Minecraft hoppers used in the collection area.
3) Crop farm

Crop farms are by far some of the most important structures to build in the first few days of a new survival world. Starvation, especially on hard and hardcore, is a real risk, so keeping the Minecraft hunger bar full is important.
This makes establishing some kind of early-game farm, not even necessarily automated, a vital thing to do while building up a Minecraft survival base.
4) Dungeon XP farm

Dungeon XP farms take only a handful of resources to create. However, they are more expensive than general mob farms, requiring signs, soul sand, and the patience to mine out a decent area underground. However, the rates tend to be better since spawners will create enemies quite quickly, and as a result, they tend to be better than XP farms.
Dungeon XP farms also have the upside, or drawback, of only producing a single mob's items. This is great for skeletons since many of their drops are great, but awful for zombies, which have terrible common drops.
5) AFK fisher
Fishing is a surprisingly powerful system. Through fishing, players can get food, yes, but also some of the game's most rare items, such as name tags, saddles, and even mending books. These farms take up next to no space and are also super cheap to make, though they tend to destroy unenhanted fishing rods quickly due to their efficiency.
What's even better is that this farm continues to be useful into the late game. Once players can craft the best fishing rod in Minecraft, an AFK fishing farm produces treasure so quickly that it almost feels like cheating.
6) Chicken cooker
Chickens are a great potential mob to farm. They drop a decent food option in raw chicken, as well as eggs, which can be turned into cake. They also drop feathers, which can be converted into arrows, useful for taking on flying mobs such as Minecraft's annoying phantoms.
The most expensive element of this farm is the hopper or lava bucket. Other than that, the farm might as well be free because it consists of such cheap materials.
7) Sugar cane farm
Sugar cane is an incredibly useful crop to farm. It can be converted into paper, which is needed to make books. As mentioned earlier, enchanting is incredibly powerful, so the earlier a player builds up their supply of paper, the better. Paper is also needed for firework rockets, which are vital for flying around freely with elytra.
Sugar cane farms can be made as simple or as complex as a player has the resources for. A farm as basic as planted sugar cane on the coast will get the job done. However, observer-powered piston sugar cane farms also exist should the player want to automate the processes.
8) Pumpkin/melon farm
Pumpkin and melon are almost exclusively talked about together. This is due to the fact that farmer-villagers buy both of them at different levels of trade. There is also a growth speed increase for crops planted in alternating rows, so there is literally no reason to only grow one of them.
As with many of the other crop farms mentioned, the thing that makes melon and pumpkin farms so good for the early game is that they can be established in the first few days and then expanded and upgraded later on. Even when it's time to upgrade the farm, the redstone used is quite cheap.
9) Floating slime farm
Slime farms, for many players, are a thing of near-myth. This is due to the fact that players need to mine entire chunks to make them efficient back in the day.
Hostile mobs used to spawn at light level seven, but they now spawn at light level zero. Slimes, however, can still spawn at light levels one through seven in swamps. This means that as long as the farm is carefully kept at a light level above zero but less than seven, only slime will spawn inside the structure, allowing players to collect ample slime balls for slime blocks and sticky pistons.
These farms are the only ones on the list that require a decent amount of resources.
10) Wool Farm

Wool farms are super simple to set up in the early game and are great for players who enjoy building colorful structures or making map-based pixel art in Minecraft. To start a wool farm, all players need to do is collect sheep and pen them in.
Any players wanting to create a wool farm for colored wool should be sure to dye the sheep themselves rather than the produced wool. This will save a ton of time in the long run that would otherwise be spent hunting for Minecraft's many dyes.
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