Memes have become a part of the contemporary Minecraft community, much like they've attached themselves to internet culture in the past decade or so.
Throughout 2022 so far, Minecraft players have created a nearly endless stream of memes posted to every social media outlet of repute. No matter what social site players are scrolling through, they're guaranteed to find a Minecraft meme or two at the very least.
It's difficult to list every awesome meme the community has created so far this year, but it doesn't hurt to highlight some very entertaining ones for a good laugh.
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Funny Minecraft memes to appreciate in 2022
10) Bad Luck Bucket

One of the best ways to make memes in Minecraft is to point out the game's logical inconsistencies. In this case, let’s take a look at buckets.
For some reason, buckets are resistant to lava when filled with it, but they're destroyed when thrown into pools of lava. Why is this the case? It's anybody's guess, but it has remained paradoxical throughout the game's tenure and even now in version 1.18. Will Mojang ever adjust this oversight? Only time will tell.
9) Minecraft Steve - Cooking

This is another meme pointing out Minecraft's questionable logic, which is a good laugh and a head-scratcher. Players can't cook eggs, which can be done easily in the real world. Meanwhile, it's possible to cook a cactus block, which is seen much less often in our daily lives.
You'd think eggs would be the first thing Mojang would allow players to cook, but apparently not. Sure, they can be used to craft a cake, but why can't players make some eggs sunny side up?
8) Square Melons

Minecraft's blocky graphics have become recognizable worldwide. Due to this, these cubed melons evoke plenty of memories for players. It isn't often you see something so Minecraft-esque in the real world, but when you do, it's hard not to think about the game.
One has to wonder if these melons grow the same way they do in Minecraft. Probably not, but it's still cool to see such unusually-shaped melons in our world as opposed to the virtual one.
7) Stealing Wheat

Farmer villagers tenuously work their crops to distribute them to other villagers. In comes some random player character that swipes all of their crops, leaving the villagers without food. But what if the player needs it more than the villagers? It's not like they'll die from hunger.
Every player has likely "borrowed" crops from a farmer villager at some point either to consume or create their own crop farms. Do the farmers mind? It's hard to tell since all they can do is say, "hmmm."
6) Neutral Spiders

Many players have likely noticed that standard spiders don't attack during the daytime. Then, once things get dark, they change their minds entirely.
Are they silently plotting their moves during the day? Or are they just saving up their energy for their midnight climbing and fighting? One can only guess, but it's always a little strange to see a spider wandering around and ignoring players during the day.
5) Nether Stonehenge

Stonehenge has long been one of the most perplexing structures in the world. Did an ancient civilization make it, or was it planned by extraterrestrials? Now, fortunately, we know the answer.
Stonehenge is, in fact, a portal to the Nether, and it only took the Minecraft community to put the pieces together. Be careful if you bring some flint and steel to the United Kingdom since you might be in for quite a surprise.
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4) Sniper Skeletons

Few things are more frustrating than being on the verge of death and taking fatal damage. When this happens, it can very often come from skeletons' ranged bow attacks. Players certainly get plenty of practice dodging skeleton arrows, but it always seems like the one arrow that does hit players comes at the worst time.
Apparently, skeletons put extra effort into their aim when players are at their weakest, or at least that's how it often feels.
3) Crummy Gold

Gold is one of the more expensive precious metals in the real world. Genuine gold can fetch for plenty of money, especially jewelry and other accessories. In Minecraft, gold is a pretty mixed bag. Golden gear and tools break almost immediately, and their low durability makes them a pain to keep repaired.
If only gold in Minecraft could take some inspiration from its real-world counterpart, Mojang might make gold a material worth using for more than a few crafting recipes.
2) Sorry, Emerald

There are several types of materials that can be made into armor, but there's one material that's missing.
Emeralds are primarily used as trading currency with villagers or for crafting into blocks. Why not expand their use to craft weapons, armor, and tools? Mojang has been mum on the subject, but hopefully, the uses of emeralds will be expanded in future updates. As they are, emeralds don't amount to much.
1) Starter Base

One of the most popular meme formats is joking about how people keep their homes. It's only natural to apply this to Minecraft as well, as starter bases don't always look the best.
Be that as it may, as long as it's a place to sleep, craft, and store items, does it matter what the base looks like? Some players might argue that it does, but many others are likely happy to get by with a small and unappealing base until they can build the future home they can be proud of.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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