The Nether dimension in Minecraft has one of the harshest conditions to traverse through. That said, players cannot progress in Minecraft without entering this dimension. It's home to various mobs and essential resources that cannot be found in the Overworld.
Therefore, although most players in Minecraft would like to avoid the Nether, it is a valuable place for resources.
This article will list the 10 best items a player should get when visiting the Nether in Minecraft.
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10 best resources to get in the Nether in Minecraft 1.20
1) Ghast Tears

Ghasts are one the most annoying mobs in Minecraft. They can spawn in all the Nether biomes except wrapped forest.
These treacherous mobs spew explosive fireballs at the players and make a shrieking noise when near them. However, on killing them there is a 30% chance of them dropping ghast tears.
These tears are extremely useful in brewing potions. You can brew potions of weakness and regeneration. The latter is extremely useful since it boosts the healing process significantly.
The tears can also be used in preparing end crystals, which players can use to resurrect the Ender dragon.
2) Soul sand

A special block found only in the Nether dimension. Soul sand has many uses and is best known for its use in growing nether warts and summoning the Wither, one of the fiercest mob bosses in Minecraft.
These blocks are generally found in soul sand valleys, nether fortresses, bastion remnants, and nether wastes at Y level below 34.
The speed of players while traveling on this block reduces significantly and hence, it is better to have soul speed enchantment on the boots when traversing over it. This block can also be used in preparing a bubble column and crafting other soul-related blocks.
3) Magma cream

Similar to the ghast tears this item is dropped by another Nether hostile mob, the magma cubes. These cubes are similar to the slime found in the Overworld, however, they are fireproof and deal more damage.
The main reason to collect magma cream in Minecraft is because it is the main ingredient for brewing fire resistance potion.
You can also acquire magma cream without fighting magma cubes as they tend to generate in-chest loot present within the bastion remnant.
4) Quartz

This white mineral is native to the Nether and can be found as ores between Y level 10 to 117. They are generated in all biomes and can be mined using a pickaxe.
Generally, one ore drops one unit of quartz. However, by using enhancements such as fortune, you can increase the drop rate to a maximum of four units per ore.
This block can be used to make various other items such as daylight detectors, diorite, granite,redstone comparators, and observers, and can also be used in armor trims.
Another great advantage while mining this block is the amount of XP gained, as they give 3.5 XP per block mined.
5) Gold

Although gold can be found in the Overworld, the sheer amount of it present in the Nether makes this a superior dimension to mine gold.
When mined in the Nether, it drops as gold nuggets. Hence, a better way to mine it would be to use a silk touch pickaxe to get the gold ore and smelt it down. This way one ore would give rise to one ingot.
Gold ores tend to generate in the crimson biome between Y levels 10 to 117. However, better than mining gold ores, players can loot any bastion remnant in the Nether as they tend to have gold blocks lying around throughout the structure.
This, however, has to be done cautiously as these remnants are also home to piglin brutes. While mining gold in the Nether players must beware of the piglins roaming around as they might attack you.
6) Rib armor trim

The Minecraft 1.20 update introduced the armor trims in the game, a highly demanded feature. There are various armor trims scattered throughout the Minecraft world, one of them being in the Nether. The rib armor trim has no effect on the durability and protection of the armor but only provides aesthetics to it.
This armor trim has a 6.7% chance of being generated in a nether fortress. This trim lends a broody and sinister look to the armor giving it a rib cage-like design.
It is one of the rarest trims to be found in the game. So before going on a hunt to acquire this armor trim just pray to your lucky stars.
7) Wither skull

Wither skulls have a 2.5% chance of being dropped by wither skeletons that haunt the halls of a nether fortress. This percentage increases with adding looting enchantment to the sword.
Since it is a mob head, players can don them instead of their helmet and move around, however, they do not provide sufficient protection.
Combining three skulls and five soul sand players can summon the Wither. On defeating the Wither players get a Nether star that is used to craft a beacon. Hence, this item is one of the most sought-after resources in the Nether.
8) Nether wart

Nether warts are a fungus that can be found in the nether fortresses and housing bastion remnants as crops growing on soul sand.
This item holds great significance when it comes to brewing as it is used to brew awkward potions which serves as the base for most other potions present in Minecraft.
They can be harvested using any tools, however, the use of fortune increases the drops. You can also trade them with a clergy to get an emerald in return. They can also be used in crafting a nether wart block or red nether bricks.
9) Ancient debris

Only found in the Nether, this is a rare ore that, when smelted forms a netherite scrap. Four scrapes combined with four gold ingots give rise to one netherite ingot. In the Java edition of Minecraft, per chunk, they tend to generate in two clusters of 1-3.
They can be found between Y level 8 to 119, Y level 16 being the best. In the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft, this debris can generate five clusters per chunk.
Similar to Java edition they can be found distributed between Y level 8 to 119 with level 16 being the best place.
You can also find them in chests present within the bastion remnant. The best way to mine for ancient debris would be using TNTs or beds. Since these blocks are resistant to explosion and lava they tend to stand out among other blocks.
10) Blaze rods

One of the most important resources out of all in the Nether would be a blaze rod. This item has a 50% chance of being dropped when killing a blaze, the only source for this item. However, this may not be as easy as it sounds, since blazes are extremely hostile and fire a barrage of firewalls towards you.
These mobs can be found exclusively in a nether fortress concentrated towards their spawner. These rods have tremendous use as they act as fuel in the brewing stand.
You cannot brew any potion without a blaze powder that is made from a blaze rod. Another significant use of this resource is the ability to craft ender eyes when combined with ender pearls.
These point you to the general location of a stronghold and also activate the end portal. Although you can find brewing stands in some villages with a church in them, these rods can also be used to prepare the brewing stand itself. The blaze rod, when combined with chorus fruit, also crafts end rods.
Minecraft successfully provides different experiences with different dimensions. The Nether dimension in Minecraft can be considered the most hostile yet rewarding place for players to go to. Hence, before entering the Nether, you must be well prepared to take on all the hostilities that follow.
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