Survival Mode in Minecraft can be tough, especially for beginners who may not know the nuances of the game quite yet.
While Minecraft's difficulty curve can be tricky for some new players, having the right farms in place can make the survival experience significantly easier. Being able to have a plentiful and steady income of food, materials, and experience can make or break a player who's learning the ropes.
Fortunately, many early-game farms are incredibly easy to build and shouldn't take much effort to throw together. Considering the benefits they bestow, new survival players should certainly consider building them as soon as they can.
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10 great beginner-friendly farms to build in Minecraft's Survival mode
1) Wheat farm

Wheat is by far one of the easiest crops to grow in Minecraft. Collecting seeds can be done simply by breaking tufts of grass, and the crop doesn't require much water to grow efficiently. If players space out their crops but keep a source of water close enough to them, it's possible to create a considerably large wheat farm with little water at all.
Once Minecraft players learn more building techniques, they can even automate their farm to collect their harvest for them over time, instead of requiring the player to manually collect fresh wheat.
2) Tree farm

Wood is a vital resource in Minecraft, especially during the early game when players are likely to make shelters out of it. In addition, players need sticks in order to craft weapons and armor, so wood is a necessity even in the mid and late game.
By creating a tree farm, players can cut down and replant trees infinite times, allowing them to always have a healthy stock of wood when they need it. Not only that, but tree farms can be a nice decoration to keep near a player's base as well.
3) Sugarcane farm

Sugarcane might not seem that helpful at first, but it can be an invaluable resource for new players. This is due to sugarcane being capable of being crafted into useful items like paper, which in turn can either be used to craft things like maps and books or can be traded to certain villagers for a very good profit of emeralds.
Because sugarcane grows so easily, creating a farm for it can be done with just a little bit of water and a few pieces of sugar cane to start. Before long, Minecraft players will have massive stalks of sugar cane that they can then replant to create even more sugarcane, ensuring a sizable amount of items like paper and sugar for the future.
4) Lava farm

Lava is a dangerous block to manipulate in Minecraft, but it certainly has its uses. This is especially true in the event a player doesn't spawn near surface-level lava. Instead of constantly heading underground to pick up more lava, it doesn't hurt to have a lava farm available topside.
Granted, this requires dripstone, which can be a difficult block to find if new players don't know where to find lush caves. However, the effort to obtain dripstone is well worth it when players can receive infinite lava buckets from a singular source.
5) Animal farm

Minecraft's roster of animal mobs is quite sizable, and each animal provides its own benefit to the player. Cows, mooshrooms, and goats can provide milk, sheep allow players to harvest wool, and chickens are great sources for feathers and eggs.
Many animal mobs also drop meat when killed, which can be cooked and eaten by players to stave off their hunger. Because of the high amount of benefits that animals can provide, it's in a Minecraft player's best interest to keep an animal farm nearby in order to collect items and food from the mobs.
6) Fish farm

Fishing is a pleasant and productive activity in Minecraft, especially because players can periodically fish up treasures from the water that can be quite helpful. In addition, most fish serve as a solid food source and can also be used for things such as breeding cats and ocelots.
To capitalize on this, it may not hurt for players to make an AFK fish farm, which will allow them to continuously catch fish and collect treasure items even if they're not actively using their device. Granted, these farms don't usually work on multiplayer servers or Realms due to the game kicking Minecraft players for inactivity, but they're a great aid in single-player worlds.
7) Barter farming

Piglins can be a nuisance in Minecraft due to their hostility, but they can also be friendly to players who wear gold gear. When given gold ingots, piglins will also provide the Minecraft player with an item of their own.
Items in piglin inventories have varied chances to be given, but bartering with piglins is nonetheless a great way to get many good items. These include ender pearls, which are required to craft eyes of ender to beat the game's main story.
Most piglin bartering farms are automated and require a little redstone knowledge, but otherwise are a great way to collect heaps of items by simply feeding gold ingots to the farm.
8) Iron farm

Iron is a crucial resource in Minecraft for creating many different tools, so it's only natural players would like to farm the material. It isn't often easy and can take some time to set up. However, players can create an iron farm by utilizing villagers to create favorable spawning conditions for iron golems, then killing them and depositing the iron ingots they drop.
It can be a little cruel to kill so many of the lumbering protectors like that, but when Minecraft players have a near-limitless source of iron available, they may be willing to overlook it.
9) XP farm

Experience may not be inherently vital for a Minecraft player's survival, but it can allow them to enchant their gear, and that very much makes it worth accruing. Fortunately, experience farms come in sizes large and small, and players can create incredibly small XP farms that still pump out a good amount of experience, while not requiring much in the way of materials.
For example, kelp XP farms run off of kelp and produce dried kelp, which can be fed back into the farm as a fuel source. This will ensure that as long as Minecraft players have kelp, they have a steady intake of experience for enchanting.
10) Hostile mob farm

Combining the effectiveness of an XP farm while also providing a plethora of items, mob farms can be both manually and automatically operated.
The premise of most mob farms is to create a shadowy location where hostile mobs can spawn in bunches, where they can then be funneled into a kill pit. There, they will either fall into a location where blocks like campfires or magma blocks will kill them, or they can be killed by the players' hands.
Either way, players can rack up a huge amount of experience over time from these farms, as well as items like arrows, string, gunpowder, rotten flesh, and more.
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