Diamonds are one of Minecraft's most valuable materials due to their crafting potential. Diamond tools, weapons and armor are some of the most durable and efficient items in the game.
These precious gems can also be used to create things like enchanting tables, diamond blocks and jukeboxes. They can even be placed in firework stars.
Acquiring diamonds in Minecraft 1.19 can be done through a plethora of different methods, from mining to looting. Within these two primary methods are even more tactics and tricks to find diamonds.
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Below, players can find some of the easiest ways to acquire the oft-sought material.
Note: This article reflects the opinions of the writer
TNT mining, trading and 8 other ways to acquire diamonds in Minecraft 1.19
1) Shaft Mining

Although digging straight downwards isn't wise in Minecraft, players can still mine vertically and find plenty of resources.
By slowly working their way down in a square-shaped manner, players can create a vertical mining shaft. This opens up more avenues for players to find diamonds as they work their way from the top layers to the game's bottom-most layers.
As players dig deeper, they should find their fair share of diamonds, especially in the height levels close to zero and in the deepslate layer.
2) Branch Mining

Branch mining is one of the oldest mining techniques in Minecraft. It involves players mining 1x2 or 2x2 block hallways at the appropriate height levels to find diamonds and other resources.
Due to the size of the tunnels, players create a viewing gallery that allows all of the surrounding blocks to potentially show diamonds.
Branch mining also occasionally leads players to caves, where they can descend and find surface diamonds hidden in various locations. It can take plenty of time and pickaxes, but branch mining is a tried and true strategy.
3) TNT Mining

If Minecraft players have a gunpowder farm available, they can make plenty of TNT blocks. Considering the destructive power of these blocks, they're perfect for clearing out large swaths of stone and other blocks to find diamonds.
Using TNT to mine for diamonds can be messy, but players can seldom argue with the results. Just be certain to collect your diamonds before setting off additional TNT blocks, or you may lose the precious gems altogether.
This method is not particularly cost-effective if players don't have a way to gather large amounts of gunpowder.
4) Silverfish Mining

While this method of mining in Minecraft can be tricky, it is incredibly effective. It requires a collection of silverfish as well as splash potions of poison and regeneration.
Players should place a sizable amount of silverfish in a hole while standing over it. Most of the silverfish will rush to nearby stone blocks. Then, when struck with a splash potion of poison, the silverfish will break out of the stone blocks. Players must then hit them with a Splash Potion of Regeneration to ensure the fish don't die from the poison.
Repeating this cycle will allow the silverfish to remove stone blocks quickly, revealing any ores that may be left behind.
5) Looting From Villagers

A favorite of Minecraft speedrunners, players can sometimes find diamonds in loot chests found in village blacksmith shops.
Whenever a player finds a new village, they can search the shops of toolsmiths or weaponsmiths, as they can sometimes contain a small number of diamonds. This depends on the randomized generation of loot in a given game world, but it costs the player nothing.
If players are lucky, they can spawn close to a village with a few diamonds inside for quick and effective diamond gear crafting.
6) Looting Generated Structures

Minecraft's world generation code creates a litany of different structures in a given game world. Many of these contain loot chests that can lead to diamonds.
The structures with the highest chance of yielding diamond loot are buried treasure chests on beaches, End city chests and Nether fortress chests.
However, the End and Nether are dangerous places, and there are safer structures to investigate that should mitigate harm. These include buried treasure, shipwrecks, mineshafts and desert/jungle temples (if players are capable of disarming their traps).
7) X-Ray Glitches/Mods

Though some Minecraft players may consider cheating, there are various ways to use X-ray vision in-game. These methods come in the form of exploitable glitches that push players' vision through various stone blocks underground or mods/texture packs that only allow players to see ore blocks.
Put plainly; players can simply use their enhanced vision to dig through the blocks between them and the diamond ore they see. This is one of the most direct and simple methods to obtain diamonds if players don't mind using mods or exploits.
8) PvP

It likely won't earn players many friends, but PvP is a viable option for acquiring diamonds on certain multiplayer servers. If a player is well-established with gear and fighting skills, they may be able to prey on players who are carrying diamonds in their inventory.
Furthermore, if players enter an enemy player's base, they may be able to defeat them and loot any stored diamonds they may have nearby.
This method should be left alone by those who are just starting out or who haven't practiced PvP.
9) Trading With Players

The converse option to PvP is to trade with a fellow player on a multiplayer server or realm.
Though diamonds are valuable, some players may be willing to part with them for a bevy of other resources. It all comes down to knowing what your fellow Minecraft player wants and attempting to angle for diamonds in order to provide for the player.
It might take some pretty nice materials to trade for diamonds, but every player is different and prioritizes items and blocks differently.
10) Interplayer Cooperation

If players are enjoying a multiplayer game with friends, simply asking for a few diamonds can sometimes be helpful.
If a fellow player has spent a sizable amount of time on a given server or realm, they've likely had time to find a good quantity of diamonds. If they're feeling charitable, they may be willing to part with a few of their diamonds at no cost.
Plus, players can always repay the favor later on with their own diamonds or other materials.
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