Minecraft's version 1.19 update reworked many aspects of the wilderness, opening up new capabilities for the sandbox game's world generation.
Right on cue, the Minecraft community has discovered a plethora of great world seeds to share with players. These seeds vary in what they offer, from easy starts to breathtaking terrain.
However, the sheer number of seeds being shared ensures Minecraft players can almost always find the right seed for their next world.
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Below, players can find a list of some of the top seeds found for both Java and Bedrock Edition. Surely, one of these seeds should make for some very interesting adventures in The Wild Update.
Note: This article reflects the opinion of the writer
Abandoned Mangrove Savannah Village (57000088), Ancient City Spawn (565535403532980236) and 8 other seeds players can use in Minecraft 1.19
1) Allay at spawn (-7697517329571641383)

The Allay is a beneficial new Minecraft mob introduced in The Wild Update. This little sprite-like creature is capable of carrying and collecting items for players.
However, in order to find an Allay, players will likely have to find a pillager outpost or woodland mansion. Fortunately, this seed provides an easily-accessible Allay cage at (X: 69, Y: 66, Z: 82).
Players can quickly break open the cage and fall back from the outpost if they'd like. Otherwise, they can gear up beforehand and defeat the pillagers before freeing the little blue mobs.
2) Giant Mangrove Swamp (28000016)

Mangrove swamps were one of two biomes introduced in Minecraft 1.19, and this spawn provides one of the largest that players have seen.
Players can explore this massive swamp right from their spawn. This includes checking out the new mangrove trees and frog mobs, which are rampant in this spawn biome.
There is also a witch hut at (X: 518.5, Z: 34.5) and a ruined Nether portal at (X: 118.5, Z: 354.5) if players want to do a little more exploring.
3) Abandoned Mangrove Savannah Village (57000088)

Although mangrove villages haven't been introduced in Minecraft so far, this seed creates a nice alternative.
At (X: -368, Z: 192), players can find an abandoned savannah village merging with a mangrove swamp biome. This village may have a few zombie villagers in it, making it a nice location for a little horror. It also presents itself as a good opportunity to cure the villagers and return the village to its bustling state.
Either way, this intersectional seed spawn makes for an intriguing place to explore and investigate.
4) Ancient City Spawn (565535403532980236)

The premier structure introduced in The Wild Update is ancient cities. These locations are considerably spooky and abandoned but contain plenty of Minecraft loot to enjoy. However, players will have to be careful as they proceed so as not to upset the Warden.
Regardless, this seed will drop players right on top of an ancient city right from the get-go. It's surely a dangerous seed to begin in, but Minecraft players who enjoy a challenge should love exploring the forgotten city.
5) Snowcapped Mountain/Deep Dark Biome (7644964991330705060)

Mountains in Minecraft have been reworked in the Caves & Cliffs update, but they can also often contain a deep dark biome below after version 1.19.
This seed serves the best of both, as players spawn in a forest adjacent to a snowy mountain. However, once they begin to tunnel under the mountain, they won't get far before finding the deep dark biome.
This biome, in particular, has plenty of ancient cities to explore, making it a great seed for checking out Minecraft 1.19's most-hyped biome.
6) Huge Mushroom Field (7749012223532925400)

Minecraft's mushroom field biomes are excellent for spawning, thanks to their inability to spawn hostile mobs. Additionally, players can find mooshrooms in this biome, making for an instant food source.
This seed drops players into a mushroom field with plenty to explore on either side. Heading west leads to multiple biomes and villages, while heading east can bring players to a much colder climate. The mushroom field island itself is also surrounded by ocean monuments for some aquatic exploration.
7) Ice Spike Villages (-1683905072585972978)

Ice spike biomes in Minecraft can often seem inhospitable, but this seed bucks that trend. Though this frigid spawn point might not have much to it right away, players can find two villages nearby at (X: 243, Y: 63, Z: 239) and (X: 85, Y: 65, Z: -159) for some quick loot and trading.
The good news is that there aren't any dangerous pillager outposts nearby, so these villages are free to coexist even in this harsh environment.
8) Hollow Mountain (8486672581758651406)

Every so often, a Minecraft mountain will generate in a very unusual way. This seed is a perfect example, as it features a massive hollow mountain right next to the player's forest spawn. There should be a small crack in the mountain's base that allows players to enter and explore.
Though the mountain is empty, it does feature plenty of glow berries like a lush cave biome. It's absolutely gorgeous to behold if players allow it to remain naturally lit.
9) Double Swamps (6705098208300174216)

This is a seed for swamp lovers in every sense. This seed spawns players in a jungle, but they can find an interesting bit of terrain nearby at (X: -123, Y: 64, Z: 261) that features a merged standard swamp and mangrove swamp.
Players should be able to find plenty of blocks and mobs in this location, both old and new. The abundance of water is also certainly helpful for early building prospects. Grab a boat and travel along the various watery routes afforded by these two Minecraft biomes combined.
10) Ancient Metropolis (-8169586992898948313)

This is likely one of the ultimate seeds for exploring ancient cities and the deep dark biome. Players spawn in surrounded by villages, notably at (X: 64, Z: 48) and (X: 544, Z: -160). However, heading to (X: 600, Y: -51, Z: 936) will bring players to the nearest ancient city to them.
The city is only the tip of the iceberg, though, as this massive deep dark biome features dozens of ancient cities to explore. Players will likely want to equip themselves before descending into this veritable metropolis, but the rewards will likely be well worth the effort.
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