The roster of mobs in Minecraft is sizable and is growing over time due to Mojang's content updates.
Although there are a large number of mobs in Minecraft, they spawn at varying rates, with some being much more common than others. Some mobs are so incredibly rare that players may consider themselves lucky simply to see them.
Despite some of these mobs being remarkably rare, their appearance chances aren't zero, and determined players may even be able to witness one of their own. However, it can take quite a bit of work if players don't utilize console commands to spawn the mobs into a given world.
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The rarest mobs Minecraft players should keep an eye out for
10) Brown Pandas

If Minecraft players have spent time adventuring through the jungle biomes of their world, they may have come across a few pandas. These mobs tend to be black and white when it comes to their fur pattern, but they can appear differently based on their personality.
There is roughly a 2/16 chance of a brown panda appearing when one spawns in. This makes brown pandas rare among their own kind, even if there are plenty more rare mobs throughout Minecraft that are tougher to spot.
9) Zoglins

Not to be confused with Minecraft's zombie piglins, zoglins are hoglins transformed by leaving their home dimension of the Nether. When a hoglin enters either the Overworld or the End, it will become zombified. This occurs roughly 15 seconds after the hoglin has entered the new dimension, and it will be afflicted with Nausea for ten seconds after it transforms.
Unlike hoglins, zoglins are not pacified by the appearance of gold on players. Zoglins will indiscriminately attack players, most other mobs in the game, and even armor stands.
8) Skeleton Horses

Minecraft players have likely seen a few horses in their time, but the skeletal horse is a different story. Sometimes appearing when lightning strikes, the skeletal horse has a higher chance of emerging as the game's difficulty setting increases.
In Hard mode, skeleton horses have a maximum chance of 6.75% to spawn when lightning strikes the ground near players. The mob can also appear with a skeleton riding it, with the potential for three other skeletal horsemen to occur as well, essentially recreating the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Minecraft.
7) Evokers

Not quite as rare as some mobs, evokers are still mobs that only appear occasionally. Specifically, Minecraft players who manage to make it to the fifth wave of a raid or higher have a chance to encounter an evoker. They can appear on their own, or they can spawn riding the mighty ravagers.
Unlike their fellow pillagers, evokers are magically inclined and can attack players with fang-related combat spells. They can also summon the annoying vex mobs, which can fly about and swarm players. Evokers can even change the color of sheep mobs.
6) Charged Creepers

An exceptionally rare (and dangerous) Minecraft mob, charged creepers are created when lightning strikes within four blocks of a creeper. This supercharges the creeper's detonation, causing even more destructive power to players and surrounding blocks. The explosion from a charged creeper is 50% more powerful than a block of TNT, making them terrifying to behold.
However, there's an upside to charged creepers. When a charged creeper detonates and kills a zombie, skeleton, wither skeleton, or another creeper, it can cause the mobs to drop their heads as a block. These skull blocks are considerably rare, so utilizing a charged creeper instead of merely killing it can be a wise decision.
5) Pink Sheep

Sheep are quite common animal mobs in Minecraft, but one particular naturally-occurring type of sheep is exceptionally rare.
Although players can change the wool color of sheep by using dyes, it's possible for a pink sheep to spawn without players needing to dye its wool. Specifically, an adult pink sheep has a 0.1558% chance to spawn, with a baby pink sheep having a 0.0082% chance of spawning.
This makes pink sheep one of the hardest mobs to find in the entire game. It's much easier to simply use pink dye on a sheep, but finding one roaming the wild is quite a treat.
4) Brown Mooshrooms

Mooshrooms themselves are already somewhat rare in Minecraft due to their biomes not appearing as often as others, and brown mooshrooms are even rarer.
Brown mooshrooms can only appear in two ways: From breeding mooshrooms or by a red mooshroom being struck by a lightning bolt. Since lightning strikes hitting mobs is already difficult, players may want to rely on breeding.
When two red mooshrooms mate, there is a .098 chance (rounded up) of the two parents creating a brown offspring. However, if a red and a brown mooshroom mate, the offspring has a 50/50 chance of being brown.
3) Blue Axolotls

Axolotls are restricted to spawning in lush cave biomes in Minecraft 1.18, and their blue variants cannot spawn naturally. The only way to obtain a blue axolotl without console commands is to breed it. When two axolotls mate, there is a 0.083% chance of a blue axolotl being born.
However, if players do manage to obtain one axolotl, then breeding it with another parent means that the baby has a 99.917% chance of taking the color from one of its parents, including a blue parent. But getting the initial blue axolotl is difficult enough. Even having one blue axolotl can be something Minecraft players can be proud of.
2) Spider Jockeys

Though they're not quite as rare as blue axolotls, pink sheep, or brown mooshrooms in Minecraft, spider jockeys share the rare distinction of being two mobs at once. It's possible to encounter another jockey known as a chicken jockey, which entails a baby zombie, baby zombified piglin, baby husk, or baby drowned riding a chicken, but these mobs have a 5% chance of appearing.
Meanwhile, skeleton jockeys have a 1% spawn chance and are particularly dangerous as both the spider and the skeleton/stray/wither skeleton can attack Minecraft players at once.
1) Full Diamond Skeleton/Zombie

Minecraft players have likely run into hostile mobs like zombies or skeletons wearing armor, but it's entirely possible for them to even wear diamond armor on occasion. Usually, a skeleton or zombie with even one piece of diamond gear is rare, but there's also a non-zero chance that one can spawn in full armor made of diamond. The approximate spawn chance is 0.000075452% without the use of console commands.
Considering this, players may want to screenshot one that occurs in the wild before taking it down. Minecraft players may even want to try and capture it if they so dare.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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