Minecraft players often like to build in unique places. This might be deep underground, on the side of a mountain, in a dense forest, or even in a tree. The possibilities are endless, and players like to take advantage of this fact as much as possible.
One of the more challenging Minecraft areas to build in is underwater. It's difficult to build down there because players can't breathe without a potion, and mining is always slower. Removing water from an area once it's built is also a challenge.
Regardless, players love to build underwater. However, before doing so, they must remember that not all blocks are as useful down there.
Listed below are some of the best blocks and items that Minecraft players can use when building under the sea.
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Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
Chiseled stone bricks, prismarine, and 2 other Minecraft blocks and items that work well for underwater builds
1) Smooth quartz blocks
Smooth quartz blocks are pretty difficult to come by because they require a trip to the Nether.
To have enough smooth quartz blocks for a decent-sized base, players will need to spend a long time mining in the Nether, which is both dangerous and a bit tedious.
Nevertheless, the smooth texture of smooth quartz blocks works perfectly underwater. It looks like water has flowed over it, which makes it an excellent building choice. These blocks are good to build with and look good anywhere.
2) Chiseled stone bricks

Ocean ruins have chiseled stone bricks that look amazing, so Minecraft players building a base underwater should take advantage of this fact.
Chiseled stone bricks can be tedious to acquire because players need a Silk Touch pickaxe. Alternatively, they can smelt cobblestone to make stone, which can then be crafted into stone bricks and then cut into chiseled stone bricks.
Chiseled stone bricks don't need to be the main block in play, but an underwater base would be lacking if it didn't have them. They're a perfect accent block to anything players might try to build.
3) Glass
If players are going to build underwater, then glass is a must-have block. What would be the point of living down there if one couldn't see out into the ocean?
Glass blocks give an excellent view of the ocean and are especially useful when players are building near a coral reef. The colors are bright, and everything looks good, so why not provide a view from inside the base?
Glass is also very easy to acquire. Sand is pretty abundant, and when carving out an area in the water, players will likely come across a lot of it, which can be smelted into glass.
4) Prismarine
Prismarine is the epitome of underwater-building blocks in Minecraft. It is central to the main underwater structure, Ocean Monuments. It is specifically designed to be used underwater, whether it's for the monument or for constructing a conduit frame. There are different varieties of this block, but each and every one is great for building underwater.
Prismarine blocks only spawn in Ocean Monuments, which are guarded by the Elder Guardian. With mining fatigue, they're nearly impossible to break. This means any Minecraft player who wants to collect this block has to defeat the Elder Guardian, which is easier said than done.
However, once players defeat it, they will have access to nearly unlimited prismarine. They will then be able to build as big of an underwater base as they might want.
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