The Minecraft 1.19 update introduced two major biomes, the Mangrove Swamp and the Deep Dark. These two represent massive additions to both the above and underground world.
The Mangrove Swamp features mud, Mangrove trees, and frogs, while the Deep Dark is arguably a much bigger addition.
The Deep Dark introduces the Warden, the darkness effect, Ancient Cities, echo shards, Sculk blocks, and more. It's a terrifying yet alluring biome, and it's a big reason players will want to go underground.
For this reason, it may be beneficial to start below the surface. Underground bunkers are very popular and maybe even more so now that the game is version 1.19.
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Minecraft underground bases that to use in 1.19
4) Underwater bunker
The only way to make a bunker deeper into the ground than usual is to station it under the ocean. It's underground and underwater, so it's twice as difficult to find.
Unfortunately, that also makes it twice as challenging to build. Any underground bunker, especially an underwater one, needs an entryway. An "elevator" can effectively be constructed with kelp and soul sand, which will either push users up to the surface or pull them down to the bottom.
The next step is to hollow out the space for the bunker, which is also very difficult, given that it's often sand that is underwater. Gamers will also likely need a Potion of Water Breathing or two to complete this build.
3) Standard underground bunker
The standard underground bunker is one of the best and will likely remain, no matter what kind or how many updates Minecraft has. It's a classic and generally not that difficult to build. It doesn't have to be large, either, since most players will be hollowing out the entire base themselves.
It can also be covered and thus hidden, or it can have an open ceiling where light can get in and help the plants grow.
2) Covered bunker
What if an underground bunker wasn't entirely underground? This is arguably the easiest way to make an underground base.
Instead of hollowing out the area below, gamers only need to build the base on top of the ground. It should be primarily square-shaped but can be as big or small as they want.
After that, the only thing left to do is cover the base. The terrain around the base can be added to it to make the base hidden or look like part of the terrain. When done right, it seems like the regular terrain until users see the door to get in and out, if that's not also hidden.
Adding plant life on top and around the new "hill" is also an excellent way to hide it further.
1) Deep Dark connection

The best underground bunker to build in Minecraft 1.19 is arguably the one that connects to the only new addition underground: the Deep Dark. The Deep Dark is deep underground, below Y level 0 to be exact, so joining a bunker to it is difficult. It's also a rare and difficult biome to find, so that's another challenge.
However, if Minecraft gamers can find one, they can easily build a tunnel to and from their underground bunker, which can be standard. Underground bases don't have to be convoluted; this one only needs a tunnel out of it to the Deep Dark to make it unique.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.
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