XP farms are extremely useful in Minecraft, especially for players looking to grind out the early game. XP is very important for enchanting, which is very helpful for completing and beating the game. XP doesn't have to be passively collected when fishing or killing mobs, though.
Setting up a farm is far quicker than grinding levels of XP. There are several different ways to accomplish this easily and here are a few examples of how to go about doing so.
4 great XP farms that give Minecraft players a lot of XP
4) Cactus farm
Cactus farms are one of the best XP farms that Minecraft has to offer. Players can set up cacti to grow and observers to push pistons into them when they do. As long as they have hoppers and furnaces connected to them, the cactus blocks will drop into the furnace and smelt into green dye. Over time, this will accumulate and players can collect the dye and all the XP.
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3) Mob farm
Mob farms are sometimes difficult to set up, but as long as mobs can spawn in the area, it can work. Players can sit next to the trap they've set for the mobs and collect the XP indefinitely. These are also a great way to get loot and items quickly.

2) Monster spawner farm
Finding a monster spawner is great because it can give lots of XP quickly. Players can set up lava or other ways to kill the mobs as soon as they spawn and reap the benefits just by sitting there. As long as mobs continue spawning, the XP will continue to grow.
1) Kelp farm
A kelp farm takes a bit to get going, but it is one of the best XP farms that Minecraft players can use. Using hoppers and furnaces, players can set up a system that involves smelting kelp, which makes dried kelp. The dried kelp is then turned into a fuel source for the farm, so it is a never ending cycle of XP. It requires a lot of kelp, but the oceans are full of it and players won't need to scavenge too much.
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