Command block is an extremely powerful Minecraft block that allows you to input commands in it and execute them under various different conditions. The conditions can be that it will only activate if a redstone signal passes through it, or it can be always active. Furthermore, its repeatability can also be set, so that you don't need to make an input repeatedly.
While command blocks are used in various useful contraptions, there are loads of fun ways in which the technical block can also be used. Here is a short list of ways in which a command block can be used for fun in Minecraft.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
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List of 4 fun command block tricks worth trying in Minecraft
1) Make any projectile explosive

One way to use a command block is to make any projectile item explode. This means that you can even make a snowball explode when it hits anything as shown in the picture above. Through this command block, you can prank others in a multiplayer server by simply throwing a harmless projectile, only to explode an entire area.
For this command to work properly in a command block, you first need to set the command block to always active and repeatable. Then you need to input this exact command in the command block:
- execute at @e[type=snowball] unless block ~ ~-1 ~ air run summon tnt
It will essentially see if a thrown snowball does not have an air block underneath it, which means that the command will activate if there is an entity or any solid block underneath the thrown snowball. Next, the run command will then summon a TNT underneath the snowball if there is no air block. This means that wherever the snowball lands, a lit TNT block will instantly summon and explode.
2) Auto-bridging

Bridging in Minecraft can be a tricky task. You need to quickly place blocks underneath yourself to travel from one point to another. However, a fun command can be used with a command block that allows the game to instantly place a block underneath you as you walk or jump. This way, it will look like you are bridging your way up without any blocks in your hands.
Similar to the previous command block, this one should also be set to always active and repeatable. The exact command that needs to be fed to the block is:
- execute at @a run setblock ~ ~-1 ~ red_wool keep
The block mentioned right before the word "keep" can be replaced by any block you want. This command will basically place the mentioned block right underneath every player in that world. This means that if they jump and there is an air block underneath them, it will be replaced by the desired block. This way, they can keep jumping and move forward for a block to appear underneath them.
3) Give effect to players from a block

This is another fun command block trick that you can use especially if you are creating Minecraft adventure maps. This command block will essentially allow any block to apply any status effect to players who stand on it. In the picture provided above, the player received a Level 5 jump boost just by standing on the lime block.
The command block should be set to always active and repeating, and the exact command to execute the above-mentioned effect is:
- execute as @a at @s if block ~ ~-1 ~ lime_wool run effect give @s jump_boost 1 5
In this command, players can change the block from lime wool to something else, and the status effect from jump boost to something else as well.
This way, players can instantly get the mentioned status effect as soon as the game detects that the block mentioned in the command is underneath a player.
4) Chicken summoning arrows

Another extremely fun and hilarious command block usage is to create arrows that will keep summoning chickens when they are shot from a bow. As the picture clearly depicts, an arrow is shot from a bow and it keeps summoning lots of chickens. Of course, this command block trick can be used to create some unique lines of said mob.
This trick can also become quite chaotic since even the landed arrow will continue to summon chickens infinitely. This will happen if the command block is set to always active and is not stopped or the arrow is not picked up by the player.
The exact command that needs to be fed to a command block to get this hilarious result is:
- execute at @e[type=arrow] run summon chicken
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