The lodestone is one of the most underutilized blocks in Minecraft. It was added in the 1.16 update to provide players with some assistance in traversing through the Nether. However, there are other uses and things that players might not have known about it.
It is one of the newest blocks in the game, so many players might not have even used one. Many may not have even crafted a lodestone, which requires one Netherite ingot and eight chiseled stone bricks. Here are a few fun facts about the lodestone.
Lodestone in Minecraft: Fun facts players might not have known
4) Fire resistance
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The lodestone is entirely fire-resistant. It will not catch fire from a fire charge, flaming arrow, ghast fireball, or anything. Even pouring lava over it will do nothing. This is extremely useful given that the lodestone is often used in the most flammable place, the Nether.
3) Blast resistance

Blocks like Ancient Debris (1,200), End Portal Frames (3,600,000), and water (100) have insane blast resistance. In terms of normal blocks, the lodestone has pretty decent blast resistance, though.
Its 3.5 rating puts it on the same level as lanterns, observers, and smokers. It won't withstand all blasts, but it is reasonably durable.
2) Loot spawn

The easiest way to get a lodestone is by crafting it, though that requires an ever-difficult Netherite ingot. However, there is one place that players can go that will always have a lodestone without fail.
In a Bastion Remnant, if there is a bridge chest, it has a 100% chance of having a lodestone.
1) Useful in all dimensions
Given that it was introduced alongside the Nether update, players may not know that the Nether isn't the only place a lodestone is useful in. It works in the Overworld, though players often have maps.
They may not know that it has the same abilities in The End. Minecraft players can easily travel the End Cities without fear of getting lost with a lodestone.
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