Minecraft is most famous for its survival mode, in which players have to cross the hurdles of life while fighting bloodthirsty mobs constantly trying to kill you.
Hardcore mode is also quite popular but definitely not the best choice for newcomers, because if you die once you won't respawn.
In order to survive in the brutal, but beautiful, world of Minecraft, players need to find a good source of food, nothing is better than farms.
Crops can be cultivated in Minecraft like in real life. Farms are created in Minecraft so that the players can get vital resources efficiently and in enormous quantities.
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However, Minecraft farms are not limited to crops, and players can create farms of many possible things: wool, prismarine, cobblestone, and many more.
Players can build farms that will provide the necessary and helpful items in the early stage of their survival world.
Best beginner farms for Minecraft 1.17
5) Sugarcane Farm

The vital use of paper makes a sugarcane farm crucial for Minecraft players. Paper can be crafted from sugarcane to make book and bookshelfs, which are necessary for setting up an enchanting table.
4) Potato farm

Potatoes are one of the best food sources to grow in the early stages, as they can be baked in the furnace, smoker or campfire to get a baked potato, which will restore three units of food per baked potato.
3) Basic chicken farm
Chicken farms can yield feathers, raw chicken and eggs. Cooked chicken is an excellent source of food and will increase three units of food.
Players can build a fully automatic chicken farm by placing a hopper going into the chest and then trapping at least two chickens above the hopper while making sure they can't escape from there.
The player can feed seeds to the chicken to keep breeding them, and once a lot of chickens are born, players can start killing a few of them for raw chicken.
2) Simple cow farm
Cows are a fantastic source of food and leather which can be later used for crafting books. From a simple cow farm, players can get raw beef, which they can cook and get steak, which will increase eight hunger points per steak.
1) Kelp farm
Kelp can be cooked in the furnace to get dried kelp, which can be used to make a dried kelp block. Dried kelp blocks are one of the best sources of fuel in Minecraft.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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