Armor is something that every Minecraft player should wear if they plan on going on a dangerous mining trip. Players can use armor to reduce some of the damage that they will take from various entities in the game.
Enchantments can be placed on armor to make it even more protective than it already is. There are several different enchantments for armor that players can use and there are two different ways to enchant items in Minecraft.
Players can use an enchanting table or an anvil to place enchantments on their equipment. Enchanting tables are crafted using four blocks of obsidian, two diamonds and one book. While anvils are created using four iron ingots and three iron blocks.
Although there are a lot of enchantments that can be placed on armor in the game, some are better than others. In this article, players will learn the best enchantments to place on their armor in Minecraft.
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Best armor enchantments in Minecraft
5) Protection

Protection is a must-have when players are enchanting armor in Minecraft. This is hands down one of the best enchantments for players to have on their armor as it can be very beneficial to them.
This enchantment increases the damage reduction of the player's armor. The player will have more overall protection against general damage in the Minecraft world. Players can use this enchantment for extra protection against elements such as fire, lava, falling and mob attacks.
4) Mending

Mending is not only a great enchantment for armor, but it is an amazing enchantment for players to have on any item in the game. Because of how rare it is, this enchantment can only be found as an enchanted book.
What Mending does is it takes the XP that players earn from doing various tasks around the world, and uses it to repair the durability of the player's item that is enchanted with Mending.
This enchantment basically serves as a portable repair station for the player's armor, allowing it to last longer. Players will also not have to repair it manually, instead, the enchantment will repair it for them.
3) Unbreaking

Unbreaking is another one of the greatest enchantments for players to have in the game. Players can use Unbreaking III to give their item "maximum durability."
This enchantment increases the player's overall durability, allowing the armor to last way longer than it normally would. Players will be able to combine this enchantment with Mending, which is a pretty overpowered combination.
Since Mending repairs the durability of the armor and Unbreaking gives the armor an increased amount of durability, it will take forever for the armor to break, if it even does.
2) Feather Falling

For players who are clumsy and tend to fall from large heights a lot, this is the best enchantment for them. Feather falling will reduce the amount of damage that players take from falling.
This enchantment is something that players can only apply to boots in the game. Each level of feather falling reduces fall damage by 12%. Since the maximum level of enchantment for Feather Falling is level four, players can reduce up to 48% of fall damage with this enchantment.
1) Thorns

Blast Protection and Thorns are in a tie when it comes to top five of the best armor enchantments, however Thorns just overweighs it in some aspects. Thorns is a great enchantment to have for armor, however, it is only really good when at its maximum level of enchantment.
With the Thorns enchantment, attackers will be damaged when they deal damage to the player with the Thorns enchanted armor equipped. Thorns is also compatible with Protection, where as Blast Protection is not.
Although this is a great enchantment, its downfall is that the armor will lose more durability each time the enchantment is used. This means the player's armor will break a little faster, but for this enchantment, it is worth it.
It is best to only really use Thorns on items that are also enchanted with Mending. If the players do this then Thorns will surpass Blast Protection in the best of enchantments. The armor will be repaired as the durability is lost, and it will also inflict damage to mobs. Win-Win.
Note: The article is subjective and reflects the views of the writer.
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