Minecraft 1.18 brought a massive expansion to cave generation in the Overworld. It has been a long time since caves received an update, and 'Caves and Cliffs Part 2' delivered on this front.
The second phase of Caves and Cliffs changed the ore distribution in the Overworld to encourage players to use different strategies for finding ores.
Cave exploration and strip mining are still among the most efficient ways in Minecraft and with the help of enchantments, players can make the most out of their mining sessions. These five enchantments are a must-have when mining in Minecraft 1.18:
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Enchantments to have while mining in Minecraft 1.18
5) Feather Falling

Feather Falling enchantment is a defensive enchantment that will prove to be a lifesaver in Minecraft 1.18's new caves. Players can find massive empty caves called cheese caves in the latest version of Minecraft that could be dangerous if players aren't careful.
Players will have to be cautious while exploring the new caves as one wrong step can make them fall to their death. With Feather Falling enchantment, players can reduce fall damage in Minecraft.
4) Unbreaking
Players looking for diamond ore should undoubtedly get the Unbreaking enchantment for their pickaxes in Minecraft 1.18. The best height to find diamond ores is now around Y -59.
All diamond ores that generate below Y 0 turn into deepslate diamond ores. Players will have to mine these deepslate blocks to uncover diamond ores. These blocks consume more durability points than stone blocks and can lead to many broken pickaxes. With the Unbreaking enchantment, mining sessions can last longer without players having to worry about their equipment failing.
3) Mending

Like Unbreaking, Mending is another must-have enchantment for mining in Minecraft 1.18. As mentioned earlier, players will have to face deepslate blocks at the bottom of the Overworld which are tedious to break through.
Mining through deepslate will lower the durability points of equipment in no time. Players can use the Mending enchantment to repair pickaxes quickly and continue their mining sessions.
2) Efficiency

Efficiency is a simple yet incredibly useful enchantment in Minecraft. Players can enchant their pickaxes with Efficiency to increase their mining speed. With Efficiency enchantments, players can quickly mine through the deepslate layer in Minecraft's 1.18 update.
1) Fortune

Fortune has been the most useful enchantment for mining ores in Minecraft for the longest time and continues to be so in Minecraft 1.18. With a Fortune III pickaxe, players can get up to four diamonds from one ore. This enchantment has the same effect on other ores.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the author’s views.
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