Enchantments were introduced to Minecraft in the 0.12.1 update through the use of an enchanting table. Since then, the game has not been the same. Tools, weapons and armor can be optimized to make them even better.
There are quite a few enchantments that are applicable to tools in Minecraft. Some of them are naturally better than others. These five are among the best enchantments that players can put on their tools.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion.
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Best enchantments to put on tools in Minecraft
5) Silk Touch
Silk Touch is a good enchantment that is situational in nature. It will mine blocks exactly as they are, so copper ore will drop just that. This can be very useful if players have another pickaxe with Fortune on it so they can maximize their reward.
Arguably the best use for Silk Touch is to move items like bee's nests, bookshelves, glass, melons and Ender chests.
4) Unbreaking
Unbreaking is a universal enchantment, meaning it can be applied to any item. However, it's especially useful for tools. Tools like pickaxes get used with a higher frequency than weapons and armor. Thus, the effect it applies to them is more impactful.
Players can use Unbreaking to limit the amount of damage their tool takes (up to three enchantment levels). This will allow them to mine several more blocks with the tool.
3) Efficiency
Efficiency makes a huge difference for tools. Since they are largely used for mining blocks, this is one of the best enchantments available. Mining through stone becomes much easier and digging out holes becomes much quicker.

Efficiency can go up to level four, which will make almost any task go by in the blink of an eye.
2) Fortune
Fortune is an extremely useful enchantment. With it equipped on a pickaxe, players can mine one diamond ore and receive up to four diamonds. It is possibly at its most effective when Minecraft players are mining lapis lazuli. One ore can drop 36 pieces with Fortune III.
Additionally, a Fortune-enchanted item can be used on crops. Breaking them with the enchanted tool will yield many more items and it won't take any of the durability.
1) Mending
Overall, the Mending enchantment is one of the best in Minecraft. This holds true for weapons, armor and tools. It effectively removes durability from items and makes them last forever. This is especially good for mining with a pickaxe.

A Mending pickaxe will use the XP from redstone, diamond, coal and lapis lazuli to repair the tool. This effectively keeps it at full durability all the time and ensures players will never break their favorite pickaxe.
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