As the expected release window for Minecraft's 1.21 update draws nearer, more and more of its content is making its way into snapshots and experiments. The most recent of these releases for Bedrock is update 1.20.70/71. Other than plentiful bug fixes, the patch brings huge changes to wolves and introduces a ton of new experimental features.
Some players may see the update as version 1.20.70, while others may see 1.20.71. The two versions are essentially identical and function together in multiplayer.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the opinions of the writer
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Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.70/71's 5 best features
1) The unique wind charge
Breeze are a new mob in Minecraft, similar in design and behavior to the Nether's Blaze. They move around quickly, staying out of reach while knocking players back with explosive attacks. Additionally, the strong winds that make up their body cause them to be immune to projectiles.
The Breeze is also amazing for its unique drop — the wind charge, which was added to Bedrock in update 1.20.70/71. The wind charge can knock back players and entities when they explode. This is incredibly useful for Minecraft parkour and player launchers, as the knockback can allow players huge movement capabilities.
The wind charge is also very exciting due to its ability to interact with redstone components. Its explosions can press buttons and pressure plates, flip levers, and even blow open regular doors and trap doors.
2) Vault blocks added

Trial chambers are Minecraft 1.21's premier feature. They are large, complex underground structures that are filled with repeatable loot-producing spawners as well as archeological pots from the 1.20 update.
Each spawner produces multiple, progressively more difficult waves and has a chance to drop a key to 1.20.70/71's added vault blocks. These containers are unique in that the loot held within is entirely unique to whoever opened them. Vaults can be opened by any number of players. However, each player can only open a particular vault once.
So, unlike trial spawners, vaults are not repeatable. If these vault blocks are well-liked by the community, Mojang should definitely consider adding them to other structures.
3) Wolf health updated

There are technically two changes to wolf health, but they are two halves of the same coin. The first change is that wolves no longer take half the damage from all sources. Instead, they now take full damage but have twice the health. Given the number of sources in the game able to deal half-hearts of damage, this makes sense as a way to keep the math simpler on the backend.
The second change is that the rate at which wolves heal from food has doubled. This should make it much easier to keep the animals alive during combat.
These two changes should be more than enough to inspire players with the confidence needed to take their animal friends into combat. the upcoming Minecraft wolf armor furthers this by giving them equippable protection.
4) Bogged skeleton variant

The bogged is a new skeleton variant added to make exploring slime-infested swamps more dangerous. Similar to the already-existing Minecraft stray skeleton variant, these mobs attack players with tipped arrows. Instead of slowness, however, bogged use poisoned arrows. This means they can do a ton of damage. Thankfully, their health and attack speed have been reduced to compensate.
They can also be found in trial chambers, as a potential spawner enemy. That means they might end up being one of the enemies defending the previously mentioned vault blocks.
5) Wolf collars updated

Collars have been changed to be visible from the sides as well as the front, a great personalization feature, especially when combined with the upcoming Minecraft wolf variants and dyeable wolf armor. There are options in each of Minecraft's many different dye colors, so players will be able to get their dog a collar that suits whatever environment they live in.
This should also make it easier for players who tame a lot of wolves to keep them distinguished from each other. No longer will players be forced to sprint around turning wolves to see their collars, as they will be visible from new orientations.
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