Minecraft 1.18 Caves & Cliffs update brought a ton of big changes to the game. It completely changed how the worlds generate and just how far players can actually go. While the update was massive, much of the game remains the same. The gameplay is fundamentally unchanged, and the core aspects of Minecraft are still the same.
Mobs still drop loot. The End is still the end of the game. The Nether still spawns when players make a portal with obsidian. Minecraft players still need to eat food when hungry, and some foods are better than others for that.
Best food sources after Minecraft 1.18 Caves & Cliffs update
5) Baked potato
Baked potatoes are one of the best food sources in Minecraft. Potatoes are easy to farm and can drop up to four, if it's a fully grown plant. They do require coal or another fuel source, but when they're baked they restore three hunger points and have six points of saturation.
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4) Beetroot soup
Beetroot soup costs more to make than baked potatoes but it is a slightly better food source. Crafting beetroot soup in Minecraft requires a bowl and six beetroots. It gives the same hunger restoration as those six beetroots in way less time. It restores three hunger points and 7.2 points of saturation.
3) Steak
Cooked steak is one of the easiest and best food sources to have. It can be cooked, but killing a cow with a Fire Aspect enchanted sword will drop it immediately. It restores four hunger points and a whopping 12.8 points of saturation, the most in the game among normal foods.
2) Golden carrots
Golden carrots restore three points of hunger and are a lot easier to make than golden apples. Carrots can be farmed en mass and apples cannot. Golden carrots only need eight golden nuggets, whereas apples need eight ingots. They restore 14.4 saturation, the most of any Minecraft food.
1) Enchanted golden apples
They restore two points of hunger and 9.2 saturation, which is overall pretty good. However, the real reason they're the best is because of the bonus hearts they give. Minecraft players can eat these and receive two extra hearts of health, making it the best food in the game.
Which of these is the best Minecraft food source?
Note: This article reflects the writer's opinion.
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