Judging from its plain yet iconic title, any gamer can conclude that Minecraft is about mining and crafting. Right off the bat, players begin to mine blocks and use them to craft various items. Most items in Minecraft are obtained via naturally generated blocks, such as cobblestones, ores, and logs.
Ores are one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft and are found in different forms. After crafting stone tools, players will need to search for other ores to upgrade their gear. To find ore blocks, players need to be at the right height level for the ore they’re searching for.
Instead of randomly mining in caves, players can strategically mine at specific height levels. In this article, players can learn about different height levels to find ores in Minecraft.
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Best Y levels for ores in Minecraft
5) Y level 232 for iron and coal ore

Iron and coal are two of the most useful resources in Minecraft. Players need iron ingots to craft useful items like hoppers, cauldrons, and buckets. Coal is also an efficient and accessible fuel source.
After Caves & Cliffs update, iron and coal ore have become abundant in the mountains. Both ores are abundant at a height level of 232. Players can find exposed blobs of iron and coal ores all over tall mountains. Ores usually stay exposed at this height instead of being hidden under stone blocks. Players in need of iron or coal can go to mountains with a height level above Y 220.
4) Above Y level 224 for emerald ores

Prior to the Caves & Cliffs update, emerald ore was one of the rarest blocks in Minecraft. Nowadays, emerald blocks have lost their specialty. In mountain biomes, emerald ores generate from Y levetontil Y level 256.
Emerald ores are frequently generated at higher height levels. Players can quickly discover blobs of emerald ores in the mountains generated above Y level 224. Like other ores, emerald ores can also be generated in the form of blobs.
3) Y level 48-16 for copper and iron ores

Copper ores are pretty common, and drop a generous amount of raw copper with Fortune enchantment. If players want to collect plenty of copper ores, Y level 48 is the best height level. Dripstone caves at this height level are spammed with copper ore blobs. Between Y level 48-0, players can also discover massive copper ore veins.
Starting at level 48, iron ores also begin to generate underground. While mining inside caves, players will find the most amount of iron ore at Y level 16.
2) Y level 15 for ancient debris in the Nether

The Nether realm is home to some of the rarest minerals and ancient debris, which is said to generate between Y levels 119-8. However, only a lucky few players have ever found ancient debris in the upper levels of the Nether. Y level 15 is the best place to find ancient debris.
Players can use mining strategies like bed mining, TNT explosion, or just plain-old strip mining to find ancient debris at Y level 15. However, be wary of lava pockets hidden behind netherrack blocks in the Nether.
1) Y level -59 for diamond ores
Diamonds are one of the most coveted minerals in the Overworld. After the Caves & Cliffs update, there are tons of diamond ores to discover in the Overworld. However, most of them are hidden behind deepslate blocks found in the depths of the Overworld.
The best level to find diamonds in Minecraft 1.19.2 is at Y -59. Players will have to strip mines around this height level to find diamonds. Diamonds at the bottom of the Overworld are rarely exposed to air.
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