Diamonds are a resource in Minecraft that players spend a lot of time looking for. Although it takes a bit longer than other resources, seeking them is totally worth it.
Players can find diamonds easier by entering their relevant seeds. However, good seeds can be hard to discover. This article will list the five best ones for diamonds in Minecraft 1.17.1!
Top 5 Minecraft 1.17.1 diamond seeds with location
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Seeds rich in diamonds are hard to come by and even then, players will have to look for exact locations. This article will provide information on both aspects.
5) Diamonds in the ravine

Seed: -974562123
This is one of the best Minecraft seeds for diamonds right now. Here, players find themselves spawning not too far from a huge ravine. This location is not only good for diamonds, but it is also rich in other resources.
Players can enter the ravine and start finding diamonds around y level (11-13).
4) Visible stronghold

Seed: 823486800
The seed has everything Minecraft players dream of. When entering it, they will spawn next to a village that has a ravine going straight through it. However, this is unlike any ordinary Minecraft ravine.
Players will see a stronghold exposed in its center. There are diamonds located underneath and around the stronghold, which are very easy to mine.
The ravine will be visible to players right off the spawn.
3) Desert temple

Seed: -4295284396851726054
Hinted by the name, this seed will spawn players near a desert temple. Notably, temples are one of the best structures for looting in Minecraft.
There are two temples right next to each other. Players won't find any diamonds in the one sitting close to them. However, the second temple houses a chest containing two diamonds.
Second Temple location: (-196, 69, 282)
2) More and more diamonds!

Seed: 5964255528871673076
Upon entering this seed, players will spawn next to a village. Here, they will be able to gather materials and resources for crafting mining tools.
Next to or behind the village, players will see a ravine. Whilst descending down to this location, they can spot visible exposed diamonds. There will also be a chunk of diamonds containing at least five ores.
Diamond chunk location: (135, 13, -310)
1) Mineshaft

Seed: -1240247800
Although Mineshafts are not very common in Minecraft, they are still very resourceful places. In this seed, players will spawn right next to a ravine that has an open mineshaft attached to it.
The shaft will have lots of great loot inside, including diamonds.
Location of Mineshaft: X: (-200, Z: 264)
Minecraft is teeming with essential resources. Players only need to keep looking for locations and spots that are replete with these reserves. Diamonds are a tough resource to find, however, finding them is worth all of the effort.
Note: The list is subjective and reflects the views of the writer.
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