Minecraft has a distinctive look. It's a very familiar look for those who play it, but for those who don't, it might seem like a very weak game, graphically. That may be true, but it is intentional.
Mojang intentionally made the game that way. Still, many players may want a graphics upgrade when playing.
Fortunately, there are plenty of add-ons that can improve them dramatically. These typically only work on Java Edition, but there are some for Bedrock, too. Here are the best add-ons for the 1.18.1 version to improve the graphics.
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Best graphical add-ons for Minecraft 1.18.1 version
5) CaptTatsu's BSL Shaders
BSL Shaders does require a few other add-ons, like the OptiFine mod, but it makes a big difference. Shaders are one of the best add-ons for improving graphics and BSL Shaders is one of the best around.
The graphical improvement isn't so much that it doesn't feel like Minecraft, but it's enough to make a difference.
4) Shaders Mod
A few changes can make the game look very different. The Shaders Mod doesn't make the blocks look different or change textures, it just improves how they look. Grass blocks still look like grass blocks, just better.
3) Chocapic 13's Shaders
These shader packs are among the best the game has to offer and will work perfectly on the latest version of Minecraft. They make everything better, especially trees. Now, they don't look like blocks of wood with leaves on them. Instead, they look like actual trees.
2) Sildur's Shaders
Sildur's Shaders are probably the best available in Minecraft. They're visually stunning, fairly easy to download and install and one of the most popular. They make the game feel a lot better to play because of how good they look. A lot of players use these shaders.
1) OptiFine

OptiFine is the best mod for graphics and has been around for a long time. Many other shader packs require OptiFine to work, so it's a good idea to have it for several reasons. The graphics are stellar and it even adds a few features to improve the overall gameplay.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.
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