Minecraft 1.18 update has brought some significant changes to the game that have entirely changed the game's look. The addition of new biomes such as the six new mountain sub-biomes and, most importantly, new terrain generation has made the mountains more rugged and bolder than before.
Some peaks go as high as 256 blocks, standing tall and soaring over the clouds.
Due to the seed parity introduced in the Minecraft 1.18 update, players can use these seeds across all the platforms and enjoy the same world generation. The only exception would be the generation of structures and ores, differing between Java Edition and Bedrock Edition.
This article lists down the five best Minecraft 1.18 seeds for Mountain Biomes.
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5 best Minecraft 1.18 Bedrock Edition seeds for mountain enthusiasts
5) Amazing moutain range (seed: 974123259)

The seed spawns the player on a mountain slope. Players can travel to coordinates 218, 96, 93 to find a beautiful village in a valley between two beautiful mountain ranges.
On one side lies the Frozen Peaks biome, while the other is made of Jagged Peaks. Players can choose to build a base on either side of the mountain or between the two and enjoy the best of both worlds. The village is an amazing place to gather food which will come in handy in this seed.
4) Badland mountains (seed: 8301387)

Players spawn at Y level 214 on a Badland mountain with a view of the world below. The weird feature of this seed is that players will find snow being generated in the Badland biome.
The Badland mountains are massive and go as high as 256 blocks, well over the clouds. Players will also find some exposed dripstone near spawn in the snowy part of the mountain.
3) Frozen wonderland (seed: -1447)

"Frozen Peaks" is one of the most magical-looking mountain biomes to be added to the game. In this seed, players spawn opposite a Snowy Slopes biome. Traversing inland, players pass through captivating scenery with frozen lakes and ice spikes. This frozen part of the world looks alluring.
At coordinates -372, 247, -652, players will find themselves facing an attractive Frozen Peaks biome. Close by at coordinates -348, 207, -631, players will also stumble across a Ruined Portal.
2) All new mountain biomes near spawn (seed: 420606694)

The seed spawns players next to a Snowy Slope biome over an enormous cave with a mineshaft running along inside. Just behind the Snowy Slopes biome, players will come across a wide and long Stony Peaks biome.
Across the spawn, players can find a charming little Frozen Peaks biome at coordinates 192, 171, 258. Also, traveling a bit further from spawn to coordinates 224, 255, 987, players will find themselves in the middle of two daunting looking biomes, Jagged Peaks and Stony Peaks.
With tall, rugged peaks, the mountains can be a perfect place to build a hidden castle away from the rest of the world.
1) Perfect Caves and Cliffs seed (seed: 12855171)

This seed can be considered the best representation of the Caves and Cliffs update. Players spawn at Y level 253 above the clouds in alien-looking terrain, surrounded by snow and stone.
On exploring the surroundings a little, they will come across a giant cave opening. The caves begin at Y level 209, and players can see clouds floating inside the caves. This massive Dripstone cave is filled with resources and goes down to negative Y levels at specific points.
One false step here, and players will surely fall to their death.
Note: The list present in the article reflects the views of the writer.
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