Ocean Monuments in Minecraft 1.19 are fascinating structures that generate completely underwater and have tons of hostile mobs ready to kill players. It is also one of the most beautiful generations in terms of infrastructure and prismarine blocks. Though these structures are often avoided when a player starts fresh in a world.
However, if they want to quickly explore this magnificent monument, they can do so by entering a custom seed to create a world. Seeds are special characters that are given to each and every world. When it is inserted while creating a new world, the terrain generation and placement of structures remain identical. Here are some seeds to easily find Ocean Monuments in Minecraft 1.19.
Easily find Ocean Monuments in Minecraft 1.19 in these 5 seeds
1) Regular plains with Ocean Monument nearby (Seed: 123424567845)

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This seed is quite normal since it spawns players near a simple and peaceful meadow and plain biome. Here, Minecrafters can collect basic resources and progress further in the game before venturing into the ocean for the structure. Luckily, the ocean right beside their spawn will have a shipwreck as well. The Ocean Monument will be a few hundred blocks away from them.
Coordinates to the structure: (X: 400, Z: -160)
2) Ocean Monument surrounded by icebergs (Seed: 6234514)

This is a fascinating seed since it spawns players in the middle of several cold biomes like ice spikes, frozen ocean, and snowy taiga. As players explore their surroundings, they will find the Ocean Monument, which will be surrounded by several icebergs. Some of them will even generate inside the structure.
Coordinates to the structure: (X: -432, Z: -352)
3) Ocean Monument near Underwater Ruins (Seed: 845679907)

This seed will spawn a player in a normal location but will have the ocean right beside them. When they start exploring the water body, specifically in the direction of the monument, Minecrafters will first find an Underwater Ruin that will contain a buried treasure map. Later on, they will find the Ocean Monument in all its glory.
Coordinates to the structure: (X: -368, Z: -368)
4) Massive cliff spawn with Ocean Monument nearby (Seed: 345374421587553)

This is a brilliant seed since it spawns players beside several massive cliffs with a birch forest biome at the top. It is truly a sight to behold. After exploring the cliffs and other mountainous regions, players can head to the coordinates provided below to reach the Ocean Monument, which is only a few hundred blocks away from the spawn point. Of course, the main attraction of this seed is the spawn point.
Coordinates to the structure: (X: -255, Z: -110)
5) Spawn near Savanna village, close to Ocean Monument (Seed: y73456)

This is arguably the best seed in general since it spawns Minecrafters right beside a Savanna village and a rare Badlands biome. Here, players can gather all the important resources and prepare to fight the Guardians of the Ocean Monument. The underwater structure itself is just a few blocks away from the village that stretches near the ocean.
Players can create a massive build with the monument and still have easy access to the village and other land biomes.
Coordinates to the structure: (X: 336, Z: 401)
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