Minecraft has two major aspects of gameplay. One is Survival where players explore the world and try to thrive using their wits. The other is Creative where players can show-off their creations without any restrictions.
The Minecraft community is well-known for its innovative and creative builds. Especially for players who love the creative side of the game and wish to construct a beautiful city.
The new 1.18 update has added some beautiful biomes to the game. These biomes have spiced up the old vanilla Minecraft world. Including these aspects when building a city would immensely enhance the esthetic of the place.
This article will list down the five best Minecraft Bedrock Seeds where players can let their imaginations run wild. From open lands to scenic backgrounds, this article will cover a range of spots for players to build any type of city they wish.
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5 Best Minecraft Bedrock seeds that players can use to build great cities in
1) Build heaven
Seed: -1488721045

This seed provides players with not one, not two, but four different biomes that players can choose to build their city in. Right at spawn, players will find themselves by an open Lush Cave surrounded by Spruce trees.
This could be a perfect site to build a hidden paradise-like city. Traveling to coordinates 602, 97, 148 players will also come across beautiful snow covered mountains. On the foothills of these mountains they can make a city with an amazing backdrop.
At coordinates -596, 103, 262 they will come across a plains biome, which is perfect to construct a city on due to the flat land. Finally, by moving to coordinates -1140, 95, 421 players will find themselves amidst a scenic flower meadow enclosed within high and mighty jagged peaks.
2) Three Islands close to each other
Seed: 32

These beautiful islands provide players with the perfect spot to create a great, tropical getaway city. Spawning on an island in the middle of the ocean, this island may put players on large plain biomes. Surrounded by ocean on all sides, players can build a beautiful island city in the middle of nowhere.
The island also has a massive cave underneath it that players can dig into, at coordinates -359, -23, -333. Off the coast of this island, players will also find a sunken shipwreck at -378, 59, -213.
If players are not satisfied with this spawn island, they can travel across to coordinates -610, 64, -269 to another plains island to build their city on. Across this island, lies another much larger island with greater numbers of trees that players can choose to build their city on at coordinates -894, 70, -342.
Additionally, players will find two sunken shipwrecks around this island at coordinates -885, 54, -892 and -1132, 48, -691.
3) Endless desert
Seed: 100000

When constructing a massive build such as a city, one of the most tedious tasks is to clear out the land. However, in this seed all the players have to do is level the terrain and they are ready to build.
The seed spawns players in a desert biome near the coast with coral reefs. It also has a patch of badlands biome that can be seen from spawn. Players can create a splendid oasis in the middle of desert and also have access to red sand which can be used to add color to their vibrant city.
The city can be similar to Agrabah from Aladdin, surrounded by the hot, daunting desert but in the heart lies a magnanimous palace. Players will also find a village and Desert Temple at coordinates -314, 70, 206 and -342, 68, 12, respectively.
4) Abandoned city
Seed: -268282568

The 1.18 update not only introduced new biomes but revamped the whole world generation. Caves are now much bigger than they ever used to be and with the Lush caves being added it would be a waste not to build a city within them.
This seed provides players with a beautiful large Lush Cave with a flat terrain. Players can make a beautiful city within this cave. The theme could be that of an abandoned city that is lost and sunk inside the Earth. Surrounded by hanging vines and serene pools of water, it is a perfect place to build a lost paradise.
Players should also travel to coordinates -226, -3, 78 this will lead them to the perfect spot within the Lush cave where they can set up a city.
5) Winter wonderland
Seed: 2129407928

For players who are looking to build a city in a frozen desert, this seed is perfect. Players spawn on a frozen lake and at first glance itself the area is a perfect spot to erect a giant city. Next to spawn, players will also find a village at coordinates 125, 81, 62 right next to an Igloo, which can be found at 130, 73, 19.
The place is surrounded by endless Frozen Ocean that goes on for forever. Traveling a few blocks west to coordinates -335, 70, -240 players will also stumble upon a second village. The village is near a small ice spike biome which produces some breath-taking views.
Next to the village, players will also find another Igloo right next to a Ruined Portal at coordinates -308, 67, -380. Covered with snow and ice, this seed is perfect for building a winter wonderland.
Note: The list present in the article reflects the views of the writer.
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