Players who are new to Minecraft may not be very familiar with the world and the things inside of it. Seeds are a series of numbers and letters that generate specific worlds. No seed will be the same, each seed is different, even if it's in the smallest way.
Beginners can use seeds to generate a world that makes it easier to learn the game by having nearby structures and easy to find resources. The player must enter the seed when first creating the world.
Once the world is created, the seed cannot be changed.
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Top 5 Beginners seeds in Minecraft
There are way too many seeds out there for players to just guess what seeds would be best for them. No worries, this article will tell Minecraft beginners the five best seeds to play on.
5) All in one

Seed: -9065479248748140566
Upon entrance to this seed, players will spawn in a plains village in Minecraft. The reason this seed is so good for beginner players is because of all of its diversity.
Not only will the players spawn in a plains biome, but they will also be right next to a desert biome as well. There is a desert temple located visible from the entrance of the biome. If the player goes back to the plains biome and keeps walking in the opposite direction, they will find themselves coming up on a broken portal.
Also check: Minecraft seed map
4) Shipwreck

Seed: -613756530319979507
For beginners, this seed can be very useful. When entering this seed, players will spawn near a village that has a shipwreck located just on the edge of it. This village is a great place for players to start gathering resources.
There will be enough resources to create weapons and mining tools. Players will also find a good food supply here.
3) Split Village

Seed: 2467475923055248755
Hinted by the name, this seed will spawn players in a village that was split right in half by a ravine. Not only will players find tons of resources in the village, but the ravine will also be full of goodies for the players.
2) Quad Villages

Seed: 4379469131957062683
This may sound crazy, but players will spawn right in the middle of four villages when spawning in this seed. However, they are not all side by side, and the player will spawn on a cliff, just southwest of a Taiga village.
When turning around on the cliff, all three of the other villages are visible from this location. This will give players multiple options to collect resources.
1) Pillager Outpost

Seed: 1613434103
This Minecraft seed will introduce beginners to some structures in the game that they may have never seen before. Players will start off spawned inside of a plains biome.
There is a Nether portal in view of the spawn. If the players head towards that Nether portal and keep moving forward, they will see a village with a pillager outpost right behind it, perfect for a raid.
Note: The list is subjective and reflects the views of the writer.
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