Throughout Minecraft, the Overworld is scattered with villages and villagers. Occasionally, these villages can be abandoned and covered with cobwebs.
Along with villages being normal size, there are large villages available for players to visit. Villages can have an abundance of rare items to find, like gold, iron, saddles, weapons, armor, and more. They can be small, with only a few buildings, or large, with two or three villages making up one big village.
Listed below are five seeds that will spawn Minecraft players near large villages
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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Large Minecraft village seeds
5) Village island surrounded by Cherry Groves (Seed: -2032795982907864146)

This Minecraft Bedrock seed spawns players right at the edge of a circular Cherry Grove biome, which surrounds a lake with a village island at its center. With cherry blossoms falling on the screen, the picturesque scenery of this village seed definitely makes it worth playing. Right under the village island, you can find a trial chamber by digging to coordinates X: 103, Y: -13, Z: 55.
In case you don’t find decent loot from the village island, you can head west of the spawn point to find another village at coordinates X: -280, Z: 184.
Also Read: All Minecraft Villager Jobs explained
4) Village mansion island (Seed: 5627633984906398933)

This Minecraft Bedrock village seed spawns you right into the center of a plains village. But before you start celebrating this amazing spawn, take a look around to find a woodland mansion. Both of these structures are generated on an island with Forest, Birch Forest, and Dark Forest biomes.
You can use the resources from the village to survive and then later raid the woodland mansion to find even more loot. The island is also filled with many buried treasure chests along its coastline.
Also check: Minecraft seed map
3) Quad village spawn (Seed: 805019035279742292)

This Minecraft Bedrock village seed will surely satisfy your needs, as it has four amazing villages on each side. Here are the coordinates to all four villages near the spawn:
- X: -232, Z: 88
- X: -312, Z: -232
- X: 200, Z: -264
- X: 168, Z: 248
Other than villages, players can find two trial chambers, a ruined portal, and many dungeons with spawners for zombies, skeletons, and spiders—perfect for anyone interested in building mob farms.
2) Shattered village (Seed: 3749859044843467858)

There has always been odd terrain generation in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, but after the Caves & Cliffs update in 2021, it has skyrocketed and can be found in most seeds. In this particular seed, players spawn near a village levitating over a hollow cave. This area might be a good starting place for players who enjoy living in villages and cave mining. Right below the village, you will find many ores generating in the giant cave, stretching for hundreds of blocks.
1) Multi-storey village (Seed: -6184230269238531494)

Hills in deserts can sometimes generate very odd structures in Minecraft. For example, this Bedrock seed has a desert village stretched across five different layers, making it one large village. You can go to coordinates X: 328, Z: 728 to find the village generated on a desert hill.
While villagers will have a hard time traversing the different layers of the village, you can use blocks, ladders, or perhaps create a waterfall to access all levels. You can also find a desert temple at X: 728, Z: 696, and another desert village at X: 904, Z: 200.
Also Read: Best Minecraft village seeds
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