Minecraft's standard in-game textures are undoubtedly iconic, but sometimes players need a change of pace. Fortunately, there is no lack of great texture packs to reshape the world as players see fit.
Bedrock offers just as many excellent options as players can expect on Java Edition. The means to download and install them may differ, but these packs offer the same great visuals. However, the massive number of texture packs available makes picking a favorite tricky. Thousands are out there to be enjoyed, and more are popping up while others are being updated for current and future updates.
While the best texture pack depends on the player's opinion, some are worth checking out if a player is starting their search for their new favorite choice.
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Awesome Texture Packs Worth Checking Out For Minecraft: Bedrock Edition as of January 2023
1) Pixel Perfection

There are certainly tons of realistic or artistic/aesthetic texture packs out there, but many of these completely remove the feeling of Minecraft's visuals. Pixel Perfection introduces beautiful and detailed new textures but keeps the game's core spirit alive in each block and mob. Combined with Optifine, Pixel Perfection offers 16x resolution textures that keep the game's core appearance intact while introducing new, clean, and reinvigorating visuals to the game world.
2) BetterVanillaBuilding
BetterVanillaBuilding is far more than a texture pack as it's a resource bundle that not only improves visuals but adds new content to the game as well. However, that shouldn't be a reason to avoid this Minecraft pack. The textures provided are perfect for anyone who loves building projects and are geared around making buildings and the environment as pleasing as possible. The additional resources in the pack allow for even better block variety thanks to the inclusion of connected textures.
3) Optimum Realism

If players don't mind departing Minecraft's core visuals and stepping into a world of photorealism, Optimum Realism is an excellent pack to accomplish this. The upscaled textures come in 256x, 512x, 1024x, and 2048x varieties, ensuring perfect clarity and a nearly unparalleled level of detail. Players can practically count the wood grains in their wooden planks or the pieces of bark on a tree thanks to the immensely-detailed visuals.
Note that these massively upscaled textures can require a beefy hardware setup to run without a performance impact.
4) Mythic

While Minecraft certainly has medieval and RPG elements, Mythic reshapes the game in an entirely new light using these two themes. The textures are crisp and detailed but retain an air of magic and wonder that isn't often found in vanilla. Hostile mobs are made much more fearsome to behold, and weapons and armor feel much more intimidating to brandish before a player's foes. Furthermore, almost every item has been re-textured to fit the visual theme of fantasy and the battle against dark forces.
5) Bare Bones

Mojang's official visuals for Minecraft are one thing, but the company has used more clean and cartoon-like graphics in its advertising. Many of the game's trailers feature a contrasting graphical style from the game engine, and it's quite visually appealing in its own right. Bare Bones attempts to replicate the flair of the game's trailers all within the game itself, and it does so miraculously well.
If players are searching to keep the game's visuals intact but make them pop with color and vibrancy, then Bare Bones may be the right texture pack for the job.
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