One of the biggest hurdles for new Minecraft players is acquiring food and essential items, such as iron. Having a farm that automatically generates and collects items makes life so much easier as it allows players to focus on other projects.
With the help of redstone items such as comparators and redstone dust, automatic farms can be created for many items. These farms have their own storage system, and some require no assistance from the player once they have been set up. However, not all farm designs are simple and easy enough to be created by beginners.
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Cow Crusher and 4 other beginner-friendly Minecraft farms to create in 2023
Below is a list of the best Minecraft farms that yield valuable items, and even beginners can create them:
5) Mob tower

The mob tower is a trendy mob farm that does not require complicated redstone items. It is a big yet relatively simple farm that can be made using any solid block. The farm is independent of any spawner block, with its own mob spawning chamber at the top.
Mobs spawn at the top part of the farm and are then pushed through a tall vertical tunnel. The mobs sustain a lot of fall damage upon falling, and players can then kill them with one hit. The dropped items are collected using hoppers and chests.
4) Cobblestone generator
This simple yet helpful farm allows players to collect as many cobblestones as they want by standing in one place and simply holding down the attack button. The farm uses lava and water sources to generate the stones, which the player has to mine and collect.
With a good pickaxe, players will get a lot of cobblestones from this farm and can also use an auto clicker.
3) Villager crop farm

This farm may take a while to create. However, it only requires a few simple items to be created. It uses a villager or two to farm crops collected by a hopper minecart rail system created below the farm. The farm is very versatile, as players can grow various crops.
The efficiency of this farm makes it a must-have in every Minecraft world. One of the best food items to grow on this farm is potatoes, as once they are baked in a furnace, they become a great food item.
2) Kelp farm
One of the most annoying moments while playing Minecraft is running out of fuel to smelt items in the furnace. Coal is a common, easy-to-obtain fuel source, but having to mine a lot of it sometimes can get frustrating.
One of the most neglected fuel items in the game is dried kelp blocks. These blocks are one of the longest-lasting fuels. Kelp can be manually farmed by placing it underwater, waiting for it to grow, and breaking it, and players can craft dried kelp blocks from it once it is smelted.
1) Cow crusher

A cow crusher requires no redstone but only a few stone blocks, stairs, a hopper, a chest, and a fence gate. It takes advantage of the entity cramming game rule. Because of this, when there are more than 24 cows on a block, the extras are automatically killed, and the item dropped by them is collected.
Cows, when killed, will provide one of the best food items to the player in its raw form. Minecraft players can create steak by cooking raw beef that they've acquired from a cow. A single piece of steak can restore four drumsticks (eight hunger points).
Another item obtained from this farm is leather. Players will need a lot of it when trying to set up an excellent enchanting table, which everyone does at some point to acquire high-level enchantments.
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