Treehouses are a staple base in Minecraft, with almost every player having used one. From the moment large oak trees and large jungle trees were added to the game, players have been hollowing out their leaves to make room for bases, even if they are usually very small in scale.
However, as the community has aged, players have also gotten better at expanding these natural elements to disguise the builds and bases within them. Detailed below are the best blocks in the game to expand a tree to fit a full base.
5 amazing blocks for building Minecraft tree houses
5) Planks

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Planks offer a way for players to create a more cost-efficient platform, as one log makes four planks. When used as a building block, they also match a treehouse's natural theme.
Assuming the player uses the same planks as they do logs, the coloration of the planks will match the exposed wood of the logs, helping blend the different materials even better. This will also add visual interest by mixing up the texture of the build.
4) Fence posts

Fence posts are a staple of Minecraft building. They are one of the oldest ways for players to add visual interest to a build, typically blending into the surrounding build while adding a bit of three-dimensionality and depth.
As with planks, if a player is able to use the same type of fencepost as the surrounding planks and logs, all of the colors will match. However, players should also not shy away from experimenting with different wood types to find a combination that works with the main wood of the treehouse to add a bit of flair and extra coloration.
3) Vines

Vines are a similar item to leaves in that they are an incredible way to add more detail to a treehouse build while still staying within the nature theme inherent to a treehouse base.
Players can also use these vines to help the base blend into its surroundings, with extra growth spreading down from the tops of trees.
2) Logs
The trees found in Minecraft are not very large. The biggest trees are oak trees, old growth trees, mangrove trees, and large jungle trees. Among these trees, only the large jungle tree can be used to make an effective treehouse base without artificially expanding the tree.
This means that players wanting to expand their natural tree or make a totally custom tree will need plenty of logs to use as a base. Logs are one of the most important blocks for treehouse bases and builds. Automated tree farms are also incredibly important for tree bases, as collecting large numbers of logs manually can be quite annoying.
1) Leaves
Leaves are an obvious pick for the most important block for making a treehouse base. Players can build as intricate of a custom tree as they want, with platforms made out of logs, but the tree will look underwhelming without any leaves.
These blocks are required to make a treehouse base blend in with the surrounding environment, covering the wooden logs and planks and really selling the build as a treehouse. The most annoying part of using leaves is collecting them, as players will need to either use a silk touch tool or shears.
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