The End realm in Minecraft is the last dimension players head into in order to fight the Ender Dragon and finish the game. However, they can further explore the realm to find various kinds of end cities to loot as well.
Apart from these two highlights, the third dimension in the game can be quite boring. There are loads of barren islands with nothing but chorus trees and endermen.
Hence, players can spice things up by picking up a project to build a structure in the End. The main end island has a fascinating layout that can be cleverly used to create several types of areas.
Over the years, players have come up with thousands of build ideas for the End Dimensions.
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Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion. There are many other build ideas worth checking out.
Five brilliant build ideas for End realm in Minecraft
1) End City transformation
Apart from end cities, the End realm does not have any other naturally generating structure. Though they might be fascinating to witness for the first time, they can become quite boring after a while.
Hence, players can take up a project to renovate or transform an end city in whichever way they want. One of the simplest ways is to build over them.
2) Space station base

Whenever players defeat an Ender Dragon, a new end portal generates at the edge of the main end island.
This process can be repeated to surround the island with end portals that emit a vertical beam similar to a beacon.
One of the players on Reddit showcased how they created a space station base around these end portals by completely removing the end island and creating the space station from scratch.
Since the End realm does not have a bedrock ceiling or floor, the space station is a brilliant idea.
3) Endlantis

One of the most famous Minecraft streamers, Ph1LzA, created this magnificent build in his hardcore world. He conquered End Island and submerged it completely underwater.
Later on, he decorated the entire island with various kinds of mini structures. At the center of the island, he even created an Enderman and Wither farm.
4) Mini end island

This is an extremely cute mini end island that players can create in the End realm. It only consists of a few blocks of end stone, followed by one-block-thick obsidian towers with custom mob heads that look like end crystals.
Instead of Ender Dragon, the mini-build contains a bee leashed on a cobblestone wall in the center, which acts as a bedrock fountain. One of the upsides of this build is that it does not require much work or resources.
4) Overworld spread in End realm

Since the Overworld and End realm are directly connected through the end portal on the main end island, players can create a small patch of artificial Overworld realm in the End.
They can manually create trees, water bodies, and more on the main end island to make it look like both realms are merging.
Moreover, they can do the same thing back in the Overworld, where the end portal in the stronghold can be surrounded with end stones and purpur blocks.
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