Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world. It was released in 2009 and has been continuously updated ever since. Several different modes have been added to the game over the years, including the Creative, Hardcore, and Adventure mode.
There are a variety of servers available in Minecraft where players can freely use their imagination and make different types of game modes. Some of the most popular types of servers are Creative servers, which allow you to play the Creative game mode with friends. This article will list five of the best Minecraft Creative servers of 2023.
Minecraft Creative servers are great to play on with friends
5) MoxMC
IP address: moxmc.net
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MoxMC is one of the most popular creative servers out there, and it has been around for years This is a good choice if you're looking for an established server with a healthy community and great moderation.
The server has quite a few plugins that can help enhance your experience as well. For example, the WorldEdit plugin allows you to create structures with ease. If you're looking to build some truly unique structures or take on larger projects like building an actual castle, this plugin will be invaluable. It even comes with some neat features like automatic light placement in dark areas, so you don't have to worry about using torches anymore.
MoxMC also offers a fantastic Prison server where you can mine, gamble, participate in PvP, and more.
4) PlayFuse
IP address: playfuse.net

PlayFuse is a great server for creative builders. The staff puts a lot of effort into making sure their servers are as fun and functional as possible, and this is evident from the wide variety of plugins they use on their servers.
PlayFuse has a few different games to play, such as Survival and Skyblock. In Survival mode, you can team up with other players to build your own house and farm crops. There are also dungeons where you can find rare items or fight monsters.
In Skyblock mode, you start off on an island that's floating above the map with only one tree on it and very few resources available (you won't be able to make any tools). The goal of this game is to collect more resources so that you can build yourself up into an actual player. One way to get these resources is by completing quests such as killing spiders or zombies.
3) OneBlock MC
IP address: oneblockmc.net

OneBlock MC is a great server for both beginners and experienced players alike. The community is friendly, has a mature attitude, and players are always willing to help out newbies in need. This is a great place for anyone just starting out with Minecraft Creative servers as well as experienced players looking for something new.
OneBlock also has an active staff that works hard to keep the server running smoothly at all times. It's one of those servers where you can feel comfortable knowing that when you leave it alone overnight, there are people constantly working behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly so you can come back the next day with no worries about whether or not your world is still there.
In Minecraft, the distinction between single player and multiplayer is that you play with other people online in multiplayer. You can invite players to your plot and collaborate to make massive builds. There is typically no online player cap on the server, so you can play with as many people as you desire.
2) ManaCube
IP address: manacube.net

ManaCube is a Minecraft server with a focus on building, exploration, and adventure. The community is friendly, and the server regularly updates with new features. There are multiple worlds, such as Creative (where you can build anything you want) or Survival (where your goal is to survive against hostile mobs while collecting the resources needed for survival).
The server offers a few other game modes, including Skyblock, Towny, Prison, Anarchy, Parkour, Factions, Kitpvp, and Creative. ManaCube offers a fantastic creative server with gigantic plots where Minecraft players are able to build whatever their heart desires.
To get started in the creative realm, you can type the '/plot auto' command. This will give you immediate access to a plot, and you are free to construct whatever you want in this space. You can build alone or with a friend by adding them to the plot using the '/plot add [in-game name]' command. If you trust your friends to continue working when you're not around, you can use the '/plot trust [in-game name]' command. Other players can visit your plot with '/plot visit [in-game name]'.
1) CreativeFun
IP address: play.creativefun.net

CreativeFun is a server that focuses on one of the aspects of Minecraft that people love the most: building. In CreativeFun, you can host your own plots and build whatever you want with essentially no limits since the plots are 512x512 blocks. You'll be able to play with other players or just stay in single player mode if you prefer. There are also many plugins and tools to help you create some really cool builds.
This server does not allow griefing. Each player has access to the '/co inspect' command that provides a logging facility of all the blocks and all players on the server. The CreativeFun server staff can rollback to remedy grief. If you have been griefed, be sure to inform a moderator or admin, and they'll restore your build.
Additionally, CreativeFun allows all Minecraft players to use world edit commands and speed commands to zoom around their build, so if you have a massive build, it won't take long to complete it. This server is a fantastic server to show off insane builds because it hosts a ton of skilled builders who are willing to help with your build or rate your build.
Minecraft Creative server tips and tricks
Tip 1:
Be careful who you trust with your plots because not all servers will have security against griefers. When you first join most servers, your land is secured from other players.
Tip 2:
If you're interested in improving your construction skills, participate in building competitions and events. This is a terrific opportunity to get involved in the community and learn everything there is to know.
Tip 3:
If you want to develop a large build, start building towards the center of your plot to avoid running out of space.
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