The Warden is a Minecraft mob that will be introduced in the upcoming 1.17 update, which is expected to drop during the summer of 2021. However, this mob was mentioned at Minecon back in 2020!
This mob is like a mini-boss in Minecraft, and it will be housed in one of the new biomes named the "Deep Dark biome." The mob will be found lurking around at maximum depths, but there is a secret about the warden.
The Warden is a blind mob in Minecraft. This mob uses sensors to detect players instead of seeing, and follows a player around like other mobs. The warden is pretty smart hence it detects players by vibrations from their movement.
The Warden will attack players by first slowly creeping up to the player, then it will start rapidly charging. These mobs can kill unarmored players in just one hit!
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This mob deals 31 hit points of damage on each hit which is more than the Wither. Players will need some durable armor and enchanted weapons when attempting to take on this mob.
In this article, players will discover the 5 best enchantments to have when taking on the Warden!
5 best enchantments to have when taking on the Minecraft Warden!

Protection enchantment reduces the damage players take in the Minecraft world. This enchantment is one of the best ones to have on armor when battling the Warden.
The Warden will attempt to damage the player by striking them with powerful hits. If a player has protection equipped, they will take much less damage from the strikes. Since this mob can kill players who have little to no armor in 1-2 hits, this enchantment is really useful.

The Sharpness enchantment increases the amount of damage that melee weapons deal in Minecraft. Players can use this enchantment on a sword to attack the Warden.
Sharpness adds 1.25% additional damage on each enchantment level. The max level of enchantment for sharpness is level five.

Infinity is an enchantment that players may place on bows in Minecraft. This enchantment allows players to shoot arrows without using up any from their inventory, basically, giving players unlimited ammo.
Since the Warden is a pretty lethal mob upclose, players may want to take a stealthy approach and try taking it out using arrows from far away. Players can attack the warden from a distance so it will not charge at them.

Power is an enchantment that is placed on a bow in Minecraft. This enchantment increases the amount of damage that arrows deals to mobs and other entities.
This Minecraft enchantment is good against the Warden and will cause a lot of damage. As stated above, players could take a stealthier approach and attack it from a distance.

Unbreaking is a great enchantment to have on both armor and weapons in Minecraft. Thhis increases the enchanted item's durability .
Players will be able to use the equipment with a chance that the durability will not go down at all. This can be very useful against the Warden since players are going to need very sustainable armor and long lasting weapons.
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