The Wither is a mob in Minecraft that spawns in the Nether. The Wither is a hostile mob within Minecraft and players should make sure they are prepared before facing off against one.
Withers a very lethal mob that players can face in Minecraft. They are like the Minecraft boss for the Nether (the ender dragon being the boss for the overworld)
Withers will shoot flaming skull heads at players, and the only way to counter the Wither is by drinking milk to reduce some of the damage from the skull explosions.
Withers can be spawned by players using four blocks of soul sand and three Wither skulls. The question probably is, why would a player want to spawn a deadly mob that could possibly kill them? The answer is because of the cool things they can get from killing the Wither.
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Upon death, Withers will drop 20 XP orbs and a nether star, which players can use to create beacons.
This article will inform players on the five best enchantments to have when taking on a Wither.
5 best Minecraft enchantments to counter a Wither

The protection enchantment for armor is most definitely needed when players are fighting a Wither. Since Withers are a powerful mob, players will want to make sure the armor they are equipped with is sustainable.
The protection enchantment protects players from all damage that is impacted on the armor. Players will take much less damage from explosive attacks, fire attacks, and fall damage while having this enchantment equipped.

Believe it or not, Smite is actually a useful enchantment against the Wither. Smite usually isn't a good enchantment for really anything in Minecraft except zombies, but smite does do the trick against Withers.
Smite is an enchantment in Minecraft for swords and axes that deals additional damage to undead mobs in Minecraft. Since Withers are undead mobs, smite would be useful while attacking it.
The max level of enchantment for smite is enchantment level five.

Sharpness is an enchantment in Minecraft that increases the amount of damage a sword or an axe deals in Minecraft. Sharpness is generally a good enchantment for players to have when fighting any mob.
Sharpness adds 1.25% damage to the sword on every level of enchantment. The max level of enchantment for sharpness is sharpness five.
Blast Protection

Blast protection is a great enchantment for players to have when facing the Wither. Since Withers shoots explosive skull heads at the player, the blast protection enchantment will reduce the amount of damage players will take from the explosions
Blast protection is an armor enchantment and the max level of enchantment for blast protection is level four.

Unbreaking is a universal enchantment in Minecraft that is good for just about anything. Unbreaking increases the durability of the weapon or armor that the player is using.
This means players will be able to get more uses out of the equipment without it breaking as easily. Unbreaking would be useful on a bow or on the player's armor when taking on the Wither.
Since Withers can be airborne, a bow could prove to be a really good attack weapon.. The max level of enchantment for unbreaking is level three.
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