Minecraft players are often on the lookout for new loot or cool items for their inventory. This process is called mining.
Mining can be pretty risky, especially if the player is going alone with barely any food. Unless the game mode is on peaceful, players should make sure that they always bring food along with them on their mining journey.
Players can place enchantments on mining tools to increase the rarity of loot that is dropped from mining. They can even use enchantments to increase the amount of loot that is dropped from a particular block.
Enchantments are pretty easy to get in Minecraft. Players will just need an enchanting table, experience levels, and lapis in order to make one. The higher the experience level the player is, the stronger the enchantment will be off the table.
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Placing bookshelves around the enchantment table can also grant the player with stronger enchantments. Players can create an enchanting table using four obsidian, two diamonds, and one book.
Here's a look at five of the best enchantments to have equipped while mining.
What are the best Minecraft enchantments for mining?
#5 Efficiency

Efficiency is one of the best enchantments that players can have on a mining journey. This enchantment is also one of the most resourceful ones to have on a pickaxe.
Efficiency increases the rate at which a player mines. This means that the player will be able to mine blocks faster and more efficiently.
For example, the time it takes to mine blocks like Netherite and Obsidian will decrease when using Efficiency on a pickaxe.
#4 Unbreaking

This enchantment can be applied to both tools and armor in Minecraft.
Unbreaking increases the durability of a weapon or armor piece. This enchantment gives a tool the ability to not use up durability points upon each use.
The max level of enchantment for Unbreaking is level three. This enchantment can be very useful when players are mining a lot using a pickaxe or any other tool. It prevents the tool from breaking as fast, thereby granting the player longer usage time.
#3 Silk Touch

This enchantment is good for pickaxes in Minecraft. Silk Touch allows blocks that are mined to drop themselves instead of an ore version.
For example, diamonds will be mined as diamond blocks and will not drop as an ore, while redstone will come out as a block instead of the redstone powder. Silk Touch can easily be obtained using an enchanting table.
#2 Fortune

The Fortune enchantment is great for obtaining a lot of loot in Minecraft. Players can use this enchantment on pickaxes, and it increases the amount of loot that is dropped from mining.
This enchantment also increases the chances of rare drops when mining in Minecraft. It is good for mining because not only does it give players a chance at rare drops, but it also multiplies the number of items that are dropped from looting.
#1 Mending

The Mending enchantment is one of the best Minecraft enchantments in general. This enchantment takes the XP that is earned from mining and uses it to repair the enchanted weapon instead of applying it to the experience bar.
This enchantment basically serves as a repair station on a weapon. However, players should note that the XP will not go towards both the experience bar and the weapon; it will only go to the weapon.
This enchantment is a treasure enchantment. This means players cannot find Mending on an enchantment table. They can only find it within the Minecraft world by looking for it.
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