Minecraft SMPs have been soaring in popularity in the past couple of months. More players are looking for the perfect seed to use for their friends' survival world.
Finding a good seed for everyone in an SMP is difficult because some players may want to have a little community town where everyone lives. In contrast, others may prefer everyone living separately and being linked by Nether portals.
Here is a list of perfect SMP seeds to cater to every player's needs and wants, whether to make a community together or have separate lands.
Best Minecraft SMP seeds for Java Edition
#5— 4760366611461816007

Chart New Territories with the ultimate Minecraft Seed Generator!
This is the perfect seed for those groups of players who don't particularly like building their own areas up and prefer to focus on grinding the game and making it as efficient as possible.
This area has three different villages within a couple hundred blocks or so of each other. Hidden in the nearby spruce biome is a mob farm for players to turn into an XP farm. There are many villagers to trade with, and so much more.
#4— -3748849161264688904

This Minecraft seed was chosen because of its amazing views and strange biome generation.
This area is quite a small plains area with a village surrounded by towering and expansive deserts. It's such a unique area, and it really forces players out of their comfort zone, trying to get them to use the few materials offered to them at the spawn to create a big and bustling area.
#3— 3171649852900574372

This area is super cute for a group of Minecraft players that have differing build styles. There's a healthy medium between spruce and oak trees in the area and spacious areas that are both in plains and mountainous biomes right by each other for players to use as areas for their houses or bases.
The nearby mountains have really flat tops that need little terraforming for players to use as a mountain-top house, which always looks nice from a distance and up close. The area is expansive enough for players to build up a great community that isn't too packed together.
This area has so much potential, and players should really take advantage of this seed once they have it.
#2— -8728062685661305102

This seed is absolutely perfect for those players who want to create an island system together. There is ample space on each island for players to use to their heart's content.
Nearby, players will find a load of coral and sea turtles. The water lights up beautifully at night due to the patches of sea pickles found at the seafloor.
This archipelago is perfect for an SMP because there isn't excess land for players to deal with. This means that mob prevention is pretty easy with a mere handful of torches.
#1— 7791637076403038644

This Minecraft seed is perfect for a town-like SMP because it has an expansive plains biome right at spawn for players to build up into a little community. The area needs little-to-no terraforming. There are plenty of caves hidden underneath the surface for players to explore for resources. The area even has little islands for players to populate with their creations.
The area has a desert filled with dunes nearby for players to collect all of the sand they need for expansion on the little islands nearby, and there's even more plains space insight if players run out of room.
This is easily one of the best seeds for a community-based SMP, and players should really think about using this seed for their Minecraft world.
Plus, there are turtles nearby—that's always a winning aspect of the best seeds.
Note: This list is subjective and reflects only the opinion of the article's writer.
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