Players who enjoy exploring the endless world of Minecraft will often come across various structures. Villages are some of the most common structures that are generated in most biomes of the overworld.
Even though finding them is quite easy, if the player feels slothful, they can use seeds to generate a world with a village at spawn. Minecraft seeds are codes that can be entered before creating a new world.
Best Minecraft seeds for villages in August 2021
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5) Snowy village at spawn (Seed: 1081348070)

This seed has been tested to work on the latest version of Minecraft. After generating a world using this seed, players will spawn in a village in the snowy tundra biome. They can also find a dungeon with a spider spawner at 0, 57, 43.
4) Plains village (Seed: 519506311)

Plains is one of the best biomes in the game as it offers vast flatlands with a lot of grass and trees. Using this seed, players will be spawned in a plains biome. Moving about four hundred blocks towards the northwest, they will find a village on the edge of the biome.
3) Woodland mansion and plains village (Seed: 4078788480208357442)

Woodland mansions are rare structures that are inhabited by evokers and vindicators. This amazing seed will spawn the player right next to a woodland mansion and a plains biome village. Both structures are surrounded by dark forests.
2) Shattered Savanna village (Seed: -7963916966458172945)

Most Minecrafters know how great the terrain generation of the shattered savanna biome can be. Weirdly large mountain pillars and floating islands are often found here.
This seed spawns the player about 450 blocks away from a village located at -9, 63, 89. There's also a dungeon generated at -47, 53, 26 where they can find a spider spawner.
1) Taiga village and mushroom biome (Seed: 50089308080408)

Mushroom Island is one of the best biomes because no hostile mob can spawn in them. This seed spawns the player in a taiga village, which stands right next to a mushroom biome. Some of the houses may seem like they are floating because they have generated above a ravine.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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