There are plenty of reasons players will want an ocean world in Minecraft. Oceans are full of opportunities for unique builds, such as underwater cities. There are also quite a few naturally generated structures for players to explore such as shipwrecks, ocean monuments, and ocean ruins.
As if these structures weren't fun enough to explore, it's also possible for strongholds, nether portal ruins, and other structures to generate underwater. Players can also go on plenty of treasure hunts and explore coral reefs.
The oceans are full of fun exploration opportunities. It's no wonder ocean seeds are so popular in the Minecraft community. Here are 5 more ocean seeds for players to test out for themselves.
Top 5 Minecraft Java Edition seeds for oceans
#1 - Ruins a plenty
Seed: 2797833351365570894
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This seed is perfect for a long ocean adventure, not only does this seed include ocean ruins, it also has three different underwater shipwrecks. As if the underwater structures weren't enough, this seed also has a stronghold and two dungeons, both underwater as well.
Players should have no shortage of fun or exploration with this seed. There should also be plenty of loot within the strongholds, dungeons, and shipwrecks for players to collect.
#2 - Ocean Village
Seed: 359828297144159

This seed is great for resources, as it includes an ocean village near a coral reef and an ocean monument. This seed is perfect for treasure hunters and adventurers, as directly under the village, there's a shipwreck containing a treasure map.
This treasure map sends the player on a wild goose hunt across the maps. What loot the player will find at these mysterious locations is still a mystery.
#3 - Exposed Stronghold
Seed: 2029555703

This seed has an exposed underwater stronghold library. This is possibly the best scenario for an ocean seed. The stronghold is exposed through a hole in the village, which also lays over the water on an island. The library is great for collecting books and materials to trade with the villagers above.
Even better, there's a shipwreck nearby for players to explore. This seed lacks nothing when it comes to exploration and adventure.
#4 - 16 Ocean Monuments?
Seed: 1281973087

This seed has possibly the most amount of ocean monuments in one area. There are 16 ocean monuments near the spawn region. This is quite impressive as one of these monuments is rare to find in Minecraft.
This seed is absolutely perfect for guardian farms. These farms give the player massive amounts of XP, prismarine, and fish. Players can expect to level quickly and find all the resources they need in Minecraft.
#5 - Bermuda Island
Seed: 397016988482553568
This seed spawns players on a survival island, complete with a turtle beach. But the island itself isn't what makes this seed great for Minecraft gameplay. The best part about this seed is the dozens of shipwrecks that linger along the coastline of this island.
It's a wonder how each shipwreck came to be. Perhaps the island is cursed. Who knows? What players do know is that these shipwrecks are fantastic for looting. Players can also explore the ocean monument near a top-tier shipwreck for the best loot.
Also read: 5 Best Ocean seeds in Minecraft.
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