Those who know their Minecraft lore are aware that some of the best villages to be near contain a blacksmith. The blacksmith’s chests always contain items and food that can further a player along in their journey.
Finding a village in Minecraft that contains a blacksmith, however, can prove to be difficult. Below are five seeds that are known to have blacksmiths, as well as their chests and smithing tables. While you can make your own smithing table from two iron ingots and any four wooden planks, it is easier to steal one when you are first starting out.
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1. 960570313
This location spawns you near a woodland mansion and a blacksmith village. In the chest, Minecraft players can find an iron sword, iron chest plate and iron leggings, as well as two gold ingots, a saddle, bread and five obsidian blocks which can help aid later on when building a nether portal.
A few blocks away is a rare woodland mansion on a roofed forest peninsula. While the contents of the chests vary, they occasionally have more valuable items, including diamonds and gold, as well as weapons, food, items for building and more.
2. 865485470365011767
This seed spawns players right beside the newly added mangrove swamp biome. As they explore further, players will notice that the biome stretches on for quite a while, crossing over a birch forest and oak forest biome. It ultimately merges with a gigantic jungle biome towards the west.
If players walk directly southeast from spawn, they will come to a village (just 136 blocks away) that is visible from the spawn point. The second house in the village houses a blacksmith villager, whose designation in this village is a weaponsmith. Going into his house, players can access his chest and find 3 diamonds along with a piece of iron horse armor, two apples, one pair of iron leggings, and one pair of iron boots.
Also check: Minecraft seed map
3. -1078576512
The village on this seed has a blacksmith who has seven iron ingots, four gold ingots, an iron helmet, iron leggings and two loaves of bread. The village is also surrounded by savannas, deserts and plain biomes, along with a river and lava pond. The lava can help make obsidian when combined with water. The spawn is abundant with a variety of things to do, make and find.
4. -1741643936
After typing in this seed , the player will spwan right beside a blacksmith village in Minecraft. This blacksmith has only iron and food available for the taking; however, there is iron ore found at the far end of the village, which, after enough is mined, can create a full set of iron armor to be used as protection against mobs and damage.
5. 1001
While this is a short location, it spawns a player at the edge of the plains biome and a few 100 blocks from the village. Upon going through the village, the player will stumble upon another village in which the blacksmith resides. The bounty available in his chest varies, however there is iron, gold and food available for the taking.
So fill your inventory and saddle up your horse to check out these blacksmith biomes to find your favorite.
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