Coral reefs are beautiful Minecraft structures that generate in the warm ocean biomes. These reefs contain lots of diverse colored coral plants, and they are colorful and spread out.
Players will find coral blocks, fans, and just regular coral in groups of all different shapes and sizes. Players can expect to see different colored coral blocks such as: red, purple, blue, yellow, and pink.
To mine coral without it breaking, players will need to use a tool enchanted with silk touch. Silk touch allows players to mine blocks for what they are, and allows players to mine fragile blocks such as coral.
Coral breaks pretty fast in Minecraft, so it doesn't take long to mine it. Coral can come in five different types. These types include: tube, fire, brain, bubble, and horn. Each of these variants have a different appearance than the other.
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Coral has no real purpose. It cannot be crafted into anything. Players can still use it for decoration, but the coral needs water to survive or it will die. It pretty much just serves as a home for fish.
Players might want to take a potion of water breathing with them when exploring coral reefs, or take a helmet enchanted with respiration. Players could be in the water for a long time, but they do have a limit on oxygen.
In this article, players will discover the five best seeds for coral reefs on Minecraft Java edition.
Top 5 Minecraft coral reef seeds for Java
Small Island
Seed: 7777777

Players will spawn on a small island, below which they can find a coral reef in the water. Players can see a mountain biome in the distance where they might want to explore first for materials.
There is nothing on the island that players can break for resources to create pickaxes, swords, or an enchanted helmet with respiration.
Players will not be able to mine coral or stay under water for very long without enchanted items. Players should remember the coordinates of spawn, and try to go out and find the needed resources first.
Beach Biome
Seed: 63432

Players will spawn at the tip of a beach biome in Minecraft. This seed is a little better than the other, since players can find some resources first before diving into the reef.
Players should remember the coordinates of their spawn if they want to loot. The coral reef is North from the spawning point, and players may also see dolphins around the area.
2 Shipwrecks
Seed: 2103905741

When entering this seed, players will spawn on a small island with a decent amount of resources on it. Players may notice that the island is next to underwater shipwrecks that can be explored.
Under the island, players will find the coral reef where another shipwreck can be located. Players can explore these ships in the hope of finding items that can help them explore more underwater.
If the player is lucky, they might even find a helmet enchanted with respiration, or a potion inside of the ship's chests.
Two Big Coral Reefs
Seeds: -1411370035

This Minecraft seed will spawn players on a pretty decently sized island right near two large coral reefs. Players will find wolves on this island, although there is not much to explore.
Ocean Monument
Seed: 538502489

Upon world generation of this Minecraft seed, players will spawn on an island in the middle of the ocean. From there, the player will be able to see the coral reef under the water.
That's not all on this seed though. Around the coral reef, players can find an ocean monument that could potentially include a sponge room. The tiny island also includes a ravine that players can explore.
The ravine runs from one end of the island to the other, and players can find some resourceful loot here.
Also Read: Where to farm ancient debris in Minecraft?
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